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This will be the only project that can help that lonely stretch of avenue get a breath of "fresh air", well, I hope I'm wrong but ! Looking forward to the day when we all might sample the food hall's offerings.
Reference ID: Job No 275708592-009
Description: To change the Uses within an existing Apartment House / Indoor Participant Recreation Service to Professional, Financial and Office Support Services, General / Convenience Retail Stores, Restaurants / Specialty Food Services and Indoor Participant Recreation Services (Floors LL2 - 4th Level), construct interior alterations (all floors including upgrading existing guest rooms to Apartment Housing Dwellings (Levels 4 - 7), construct exterior alterations the building facade, and additions to the lower level (Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs Use) and 6th and 7th Floors (extend Apartment Housing) and 8th Floor addition (Apartment Housing).
Location: 10030 - 102A AVENUE NW
Plan F Lots 77-78
Status: To Be Assigned
Create Date: 8/30/2019 1:41:26 PM
Neighbourhood: DOWNTOWN
Permit Type Major Development Permit
Permit Class Class B
Permit Date Feb 11, 2020
Status Approved
Description of Development To revise Development Permit 275708592-009. To change the Use of an existing Apartment Housing and Indoor Participant Recreation Services building to Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs; General Retail Stores; Indoor Participant Recreation Services; Multi-unit Housing; Professional, Financial and Office Support Services; a Restaurant; and Specialty Food Services, to increase the number of Dwellings from 83 to 104, and to construct interior and exterior alterations (Williams Hall).
Address 10030 - 102A AVENUE NW
@Thermalux @cmd uw posted this on C2E on Feb 14:
Yes, we have been making some tweaks to the plan. We're hoping to really ramp things up in the next month or so. There's a few good reasons why we've been slow on this one to date, but it's coming around.
