Some of the resident parking spots are still fenced off due to construction work. At least mine was last time I checked. Hence I park in the visitor's parking when I have my car.

That is fair, on another note-The elevator situation is the largest issue, I feel we all need to mention this to property management (Water damage)
That is fair, on another note-The elevator situation is the largest issue, I feel we all need to mention this to property management (Water damage)

Let's all send an email to the property management then. Is there any other venue we can go for? How about Tarion?
Seems like Occupancy letters are going out for Tower 3, so I suspect they are also going out for building 2 since construction of building 2 and 3 seems to be coming along at the same pace. Going to be a busy summer at Emerald City.
I lived in a building that had 40+ floors and 3 elevators. I don't know why the city allows some of this crap, really. There are a lot of rules/codes that need to be updated.

I fully agree, there are many, MANY rules and codes that need to be updated!
Some of the resident parking spots are still fenced off due to construction work. At least mine was last time I checked. Hence I park in the visitor's parking when I have my car.

Ah ok. Well hopefully they unfence your spot soon, since I'm guessing you're paying for it even though you can't use it!
Let's all send an email to the property management then. Is there any other venue we can go for? How about Tarion?[/
At the very least just emerald city, but we need more than just you and I getting involved.

Maybe a letter can be drafted, and more people (such as the ones on this forum) can copy & paste it, sign it with their name, and send it in to PM?
In Schedule B, under the KITCHEN subsection, it says as bullet point "Pre-wiring for optional valance lighting'. I think my Purchase Agreement is pretty standard. I need to go speak to them as well... great informative forum.

Did anybody contact them about the missing pre-wiring under the kitchen cabinet?
I'm wondering if anybody smell something weird when they get out of the elevator.......especially 8th floor....btw some idiots jam the garbage chute box again on 7 & 8th floor...
Did anybody contact them about the missing pre-wiring under the kitchen cabinet?

I did, right after my PDI nearly 2 months ago. So far, Natalie has not said anything back to us about it, other than the standard "will advise"... which never happened even after multiple prompts and emails. We have handed it over to our lawyer.
I'm wondering if anybody smell something weird when they get out of the elevator.......especially 8th floor....btw some idiots jam the garbage chute box again on 7 & 8th floor...

Heard about this yesterday, when I was down at the security desk.

Why do these jams keep happening? What exactly is so hard about throwing out garbage properly?
