I've learnt that Bell only offers 3-month free with no contract and 6-month free with a 2-year contract. Rogers is still offering 6-month free (no contract). I signed up with Rogers today.

Hi Alvin,

this is what our rep emailed us:

"As per Roger’s arrangement with your builder you are entitled to receive six months complementary services when you take occupancy of your new home. My name is Ali and I will be responsible for setting up your complimentary package in your unit as well as the dedicated customer service you deserve.
The package comes with 6 months free Cable TV, Digital VIP Ultimate with movies and NextBox HD PVR, High speed Internet, Extreme Plus/ 150 GB/45 Mbps, and Home Phone, 6 calling features/ 500 long distance minutes across US and Canada. There is No Contract and No Installation.."

We also got a pdf that specifies more. If you want, PM me your email address and I can forward it to you. Which floor are you on?
As an FYI, we got a similar 6 month package when we moved into our place. At the end of the six months, I called them to take out the Home Phone because we hardly ever use it, and I didn't want to pay for it. They gave me a great rate on my internet if I kept the home phone :) You can generally talk them into better rates if you say you're going to leave/discontinue service.
Thank you. We hardly use the land line too. I talked to the rep of Rogers when Bell still offered 6-month free. I could sign up with Bell for 6-month then switch to Rogers for another 6-month free. Bell rep also said the same thing.

As an FYI, we got a similar 6 month package when we moved into our place. At the end of the six months, I called them to take out the Home Phone because we hardly ever use it, and I didn't want to pay for it. They gave me a great rate on my internet if I kept the home phone :) You can generally talk them into better rates if you say you're going to leave/discontinue service.
I've learnt that Bell only offers 3-month free with no contract and 6-month free with a 2-year contract. Rogers is still offering 6-month free (no contract). I signed up with Rogers today.

Bell changed what they offer a few weeks ago. When we signed up, they were still offering 6-month free with NO contract.
Have you guys seen this?

A little while ago, my husband was approached by someone in the parking lot to inform him of a class action suit that residents are trying to build against the builder.

Issues include:
-the misleading representation of "direct access to the subway and fairview mall" stuff that people on here have been disappointed about,
-party room issues,
-issues regarding the dropped ceiling on the 36th floor.

If anyone wants more information on this, please PM me.
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That 8 ft ceiling in the bedroom looks TERRIBLE!

Don't know if you have much of a case though. I'm sure there's a whole bunch of fine print that lets them off the hook for this kind of stuff.
That 8 ft ceiling in the bedroom looks TERRIBLE!

Don't know if you have much of a case though. I'm sure there's a whole bunch of fine print that lets them off the hook for this kind of stuff.

Luckily, that bedroom isn't ours- ours is nearly 9 foot (1 inch shy)! I do hope they have a case though- there's a big difference between 9 foot and 8 foot ceilings.

I'm more interested in the underground connection to the subway and mall, because the way the builder worded it and then built it is just a huge lie, and I don't think they'll be off the hook for that.
A little while ago, my husband was approached by someone in the parking lot to inform him of a class action suit that residents are trying to build against the builder.

Issues include:
-the misleading representation of "direct access to the subway and fairview mall" stuff that people on here have been disappointed about,
-party room issues,
-issues regarding the dropped ceiling on the 36th floor.

We were given a link to check things out for ourselves. Here is the link, in case anyone wants to read up on it and/or is interested in joining:


I did take a look at the website and interested in participating but not really clear on what I need to send to my lawyer. Ancea, or any other members of this thread know any more about this?

I do feel the builder has taken liberties on the language for the underground TTC/Fairview - that was a major selling point for me.

Has anyone had any experience with getting fixes on the 30 day form? Are the tradespeople accompanied by security? It want really clear to me from the email from Customer Care. Also, would anyone know by chance what max voltage the lightbulbs use for our rooms / den? I want to replace them as they dont seem very bright.
I did take a look at the website and interested in participating but not really clear on what I need to send to my lawyer. Ancea, or any other members of this thread know any more about this?

I do feel the builder has taken liberties on the language for the underground TTC/Fairview - that was a major selling point for me.

Has anyone had any experience with getting fixes on the 30 day form? Are the tradespeople accompanied by security? It want really clear to me from the email from Customer Care. Also, would anyone know by chance what max voltage the lightbulbs use for our rooms / den? I want to replace them as they dont seem very bright.

You just need to ask your lawyer about getting an abatement form (it's for when something deviates from what is in the contract), and your lawyer should know how to take care of the rest. You'll just have to tell your lawyer what deviates from the contract. This needs to be done before closing.

The fixes on the 30-day form have had no meaning for us so far. Nothing has happened since our PDI, except some caulking was (somewhat) fixed, some patching was done (but not refinishing of the patching), a door was tweaked, and 10% of the scratched floor was redone (and the people redoing it cased even more bumps). This was all done before submitting our form, and nothing was done since.

If you read the fine print for Tarion, it's kind of a joke. They basically tell your builder what problems still exist, and it's up to the builder to see if they will or won't fix. If you feel more should have been done, you can PAY for an inspector from Tarion to come take a look. It's just over $250, I believe. If the inspector agrees with you on at least one thing, then they give you your $250 back (so it's kind of like a deposit?). I guess if they agree with you, then Tarion puts more pressure on the builder to fix or something... it just sounds like such a headache of a process. And there are so many ways to get out of what fixes need to be done.

And yes, the tradespeople are usually accompanied by security. I've seen security accompany them into the units, but I've also seen security chilling in the hallway while tradespeople work in the unites. Not sure what the point of that is...

Not sure about the max voltage. I'm assuming you're talking about the standard lights that the units come with? Sometimes, if you unscrew the fixture from the ceiling, you can find a sticker inside that says what the max voltage is. All I know is that it uses some special light bulbs; I've never used those bulbs in my life.
You just need to ask your lawyer about getting an abatement form (it's for when something deviates from what is in the contract), and your lawyer should know how to take care of the rest. You'll just have to tell your lawyer what deviates from the contract. This needs to be done before closing.

The fixes on the 30-day form have had no meaning for us so far. Nothing has happened since our PDI, except some caulking was (somewhat) fixed, some patching was done (but not refinishing of the patching), a door was tweaked, and 10% of the scratched floor was redone (and the people redoing it cased even more bumps). This was all done before submitting our form, and nothing was done since.

If you read the fine print for Tarion, it's kind of a joke. They basically tell your builder what problems still exist, and it's up to the builder to see if they will or won't fix. If you feel more should have been done, you can PAY for an inspector from Tarion to come take a look. It's just over $250, I believe. If the inspector agrees with you on at least one thing, then they give you your $250 back (so it's kind of like a deposit?). I guess if they agree with you, then Tarion puts more pressure on the builder to fix or something... it just sounds like such a headache of a process. And there are so many ways to get out of what fixes need to be done.

And yes, the tradespeople are usually accompanied by security. I've seen security accompany them into the units, but I've also seen security chilling in the hallway while tradespeople work in the unites. Not sure what the point of that is...

Not sure about the max voltage. I'm assuming you're talking about the standard lights that the units come with? Sometimes, if you unscrew the fixture from the ceiling, you can find a sticker inside that says what the max voltage is. All I know is that it uses some special light bulbs; I've never used those bulbs in my life.

With respect to the Class Action, I also read the website, other than the owners of the units on the top floor who are affected by the lower ceilings, how would the other owners be able to participate in the class action?

I own in tower 3, not tower 1, but I have gone through my agreement of purchase and sale and cannot find any mention in the legal documents of direct underground access to subway. Is there a clause in the tower 1 legal documents that actually states that there will be direct underground access. The promotional material makes reference to easy underground access. Does the abatement form apply only to contracts or does it also apply for promotional materials and advertising?
With respect to the Class Action, I also read the website, other than the owners of the units on the top floor who are affected by the lower ceilings, how would the other owners be able to participate in the class action?

I own in tower 3, not tower 1, but I have gone through my agreement of purchase and sale and cannot find any mention in the legal documents of direct underground access to subway. Is there a clause in the tower 1 legal documents that actually states that there will be direct underground access. The promotional material makes reference to easy underground access. Does the abatement form apply only to contracts or does it also apply for promotional materials and advertising?

This is just a guess, but I don't think that people who are not affected by the lowered ceiling hights on particular floors can participate. I think that you can only participate if it directly affects you. But I'd recommend email those in charge of the class action to find out more, they probably know way more than I would.

I believe that by the time they advertised for Tower 2 (and then 3), they changed the wording about the "direct access". I know a couple people who have units in tower 2 and they told me their advertising and contracts didn't say anything about "direct access". This is in line with what I remember; when we purchased, I remember they were majorly pushing Tower 1 as "the only one with direct access", and saying that 2&3 would have some type of walkway that would get them "near" the subway entrance.

Not sure whether or not the abatement applies to advertising, but it's illegal to advertise falsely regardless, so I think the builder will get reprimanded for it one way or another. I think those in charge of the class action suit would know the answer to this, though.
Thank you for sharing the link. I am definitely interested and will take the next action.

How about no conduit pre-wiring for lights under the kitchen cabinets? All I can see are just holes.
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Thank you. We hardly use the land line too. I talked to the rep of Rogers when Bell still offered 6-month free. I could sign up with Bell for 6-month then switch to Rogers for another 6-month free. Bell rep also said the same thing.

Really? So you can get 1 year of service for free? Isn't it started from the day when you moved in?

I am with Bell 6 months free with no contract.
