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No such thing happend.


People are getting facts mixed up though I think some are intentionally getting things mixed up to vilify Byrant instead of Sheppard. It is really puzzling why people are trying to excuse a psychopath with a history of violence and terror and trying instrad to frame this all on the victem in the car.

I think most of us accept that Byrant panicked and no one here can honestly say that they would have just calmly dealt with Sheppard trying to get into their vechicle. There is nothing tragic about Sheppard save for all the people he terrorized and hunted and god knows what else we don't know of.

People need to let this go and save for their pity for someone truly deserving of it and it wasn't Sheppard. Yeah, he had a tragic childhood. A lot of people did. I did and I'm not running around assaulting people. People need to understand that Sheppard had these impulsives to abuse and acted on it.

Apparently with delight.
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I can't really make out what exactly is happening in the grainy low-res video... seems like the cyclist cut the car off in an extremely dangerous manner, preventing the car from moving. Then the altercation began and somehow the drunk cyclist decided it would be smart to cling on to the door.

The biased commentary bubbles on the video should be safely ignored, they're just trying to point at things that weren't there in the grainy picture... like the 9-11 conspiracy videos, or blurry UFO sightings videos.
I said it from the beginning, the cycling community is best off distancing themselves from Matthew Sheppard, yet they continue to martyr him. It makes all cyclists (including myself) look like douches. I don't want drivers to think of Matthew Sheppard when they see me on my bike. He was a jackass and his death was his own fault, what's sad about that? Even if he hadn't died, he should still be incarcerated anyway and kept off the street for the benefit of all.
I said it from the beginning, the cycling community is best off distancing themselves from Matthew Sheppard, yet they continue to martyr him. It makes all cyclists (including myself) look like douches. I don't want drivers to think of Matthew Sheppard when they see me on my bike. He was a jackass and his death was his own fault, what's sad about that? Even if he hadn't died, he should still be incarcerated anyway and kept off the street for the benefit of all.

Matthew Shepard is an entirely different guy and a different story.
Once Sheppard jumped onto the car, and grabbed the steering wheel ... is calmly stopping the car and chatting about it the safest option? In retrospect, perhaps ... in a split-second panic ... I don't know what I would have done.

You would have done what any sane, reasonable minded person in Bryant's situation would have done - use any means possible to distance you and your family from this monster as quickly as possible, which like Bryant included knocking him off your car using objects on the side of the road. This is one of the exceptionally rare circumstances where it's perfectly ok to use your car as a weapon. Most importantly, Bryant did not chase Sheppard down and run him over. He knocked him away from his family as a reaction to Sheppards poor, drunken decision to grab on.
You would have done what any sane, reasonable minded person in Bryant's situation would have done - use any means possible to distance you and your family from this monster as quickly as possible, which like Bryant included knocking him off your car using objects on the side of the road. This is one of the exceptionally rare circumstances where it's perfectly ok to use your car as a weapon. Most importantly, Bryant did not chase Sheppard down and run him over. He knocked him away from his family as a reaction to Sheppards poor, drunken decision to grab on.


Again the common sense that should make it ovbious that Byrant was trying to get away from a lunactic attempting to climb into car his seems to be lost on those bent on turning Sheppard into the victem here.

Dispite the evidence, witnesses coming forward and his own family and firends admitting that they weren't surprised at Sheppard's behaviour or death as the result, we still have those trying to ignore this and pin everything on Byrant. It boggles the mind.

Attitudes like this is part of the reason why animals like Sheppard are allowed to roam free...
it's pathetic when you have to lie to support your position.
It is very pathetic when one does that.

So, the video, showing it happening, wasn't real?
There is no such video. Why the lie? The only video circulated ends with Sheppard still hanging onto the car, before he slipped off.

It makes all cyclists (including myself) look like douches.
Perhaps the conclusion is, that the ones still going on, are douches. They remind me of the irate cyclists I've encountered as a pedestrian ... screaming abuse at me for being in their way ... while they were trying to cycle down sidewalks!

I assume the majority of cyclists aren't really this crazy, but the is a small minority that is really making them look bad.
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Bryant for Mayor - Announces major bike network

Now that would bring all the hypocrites out of the closet.

The man was clearly defending his and his wife's safety. Sheppard was being violent and has demonstrated this kind of behaviour before. If Bryant had a gun on him, he would have been justified to use it. Using his car as a weapon to defend himself was no different.

If Bryant ran for Mayor and ran on a bike network platform, all these cyclists would quickly forget Sheppard.
Suspect found in early morning hit-and-run of cyclist

From The Star of Friday, June 4th:

Police have a man in custody following in a hit-and-run collision that left a cyclist with serious head injuries early Friday.

Investigators say a dark-coloured van struck a 35-year-old male cyclist and left him lying on King St. W., just east of Dufferin St., at around 3 a.m.

A taxi driver spotted the victim and called for help. The cyclist was taken to hospital with head injuries described as life-threatening.

Doctors have since been able to stabilize the man’s condition, but his injuries are still considered serious, said Toronto police Staff Sgt. Brian Bowman.

Police found a suspect vehicle and took a man into custody later in the morning. The vehicle had significant damage to its front end and a cracked windshield, said Bowman.

Investigators believe the victim hit the car’s windshield before hitting the ground.

There is no word on whether the cyclist was wearing a helmet at the time of the collision.

Police have not yet laid charges against the man they have in custody, and are appealing for witnesses to call them at 416-808-1900.

That story is irrelevent to this thread.

I wish people would stop trying to turn this into a murderous hit and run issue when it's clearly not the case here. Byrant was trying to get away from a maniac that we all learned later was a extremly violent nut with a history of attacking cars and people. Sheppard killed himself while attempting to assualt someone. I woud say end of story.....

But you just know someone is going to post about poor Sheppard and the injustice done against him....
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