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Board of Governors of Exhibition Place consideration on June 16, 2021
Ward: All​
Coke Statue Installation
(June 2, 2021) Report from the Chief Executive Officer, Exhibition Place​
The Chief Executive Officer, Exhibition Place recommends that:

1. The Board approve of an agreement with Coca-Cola Canada Bottling Limited ("Coke") and Coca-Cola Limited ("CCL") for the installation and maintenance of the Yarwood 1965 Artwork at Exhibition Place on the terms and conditions set out in Appendix A and in the location shown in Appendix B and such other terms and conditions as approved by the Chief Executive Officer and the City Solicitor.​
Coca-Cola Canada Bottling Limited ("Coke") and Coca-Cola Limited ("CCL") owner of the artwork known as the "Coca-Cola (Yarwood 1965)" (the "Artwork") wishes to install the Artwork at a location on Exhibition Place grounds as part of its naming arrangement with Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment ("MLSE"). The parties have agreed that the Artwork installation area is west of the main entrance into Coca-Cola Coliseum in an established planter.

This report recommends an agreement with both Coke and CCL on the terms and conditions as set out in the report.​

When I saw this come up in my email I was thinking it was a statute made of Cocaine. I need more sleep.
The Colaseum. Huh.

That would be a great nickname.

I can see myself calling the arena the "Coca-Colaseum" or simply "Colaseum." The name is very catchy and unique. The Coca-Cola Company should promote the Colaseum name more.

If the Romans can fill the Coliseum with Water to recreate naval battles, we can surely recreate the Cola Wars in the Colaseum. We just need to fill the stadium with Coke.
Board of Governors of Exhibition Place consideration on September 28, 2021
Ward: All​
Garden of the Greek Gods Existing Statuary Relocation and Conservation Plan Update
(September 14, 2021) Report from the Chief Executive Officer, Exhibition Place​
The Chief Executive Officer, Exhibition Place recommends that:

1. The Board receive this report for information.​
This report provides an update on the relocation plans for the Statuary Garden of the Greek Gods statues, presently located on the Leased Premises of Toronto Event Centre.​
Financial Impact
The estimated cost of $500,000 for the relocation of the twenty-one (21) GGG statues is provided for in the 2022 Capital Budget submission.​
Board of Governors of Exhibition Place consideration on September 28, 2021
Ward: All​
Garden of the Greek Gods Existing Statuary Relocation and Conservation Plan Update
(September 14, 2021) Report from the Chief Executive Officer, Exhibition Place​
The Chief Executive Officer, Exhibition Place recommends that:

1. The Board receive this report for information.​
This report provides an update on the relocation plans for the Statuary Garden of the Greek Gods statues, presently located on the Leased Premises of Toronto Event Centre.​
Financial Impact
The estimated cost of $500,000 for the relocation of the twenty-one (21) GGG statues is provided for in the 2022 Capital Budget submission.​

Oh, deer! Which one transformed into a deer?

This from 1906 may amuse.

Seeing the most recent plans for the Exhibition Ontario Line/GO Station makes me think we should tear down the Food Building and turn that space into an open plaza.

Screen Shot 2022-02-18 at 2.02.43 PM.png
Exhibition Place Food Building.png

When you walk out of the station, you should be entering a welcoming space that you might want to linger in for a moment and gather yourself before you head to your destination within Exhibition Place. It would act as a release valve for all the people getting on and off the train at once. When the CNE is on, it could be the place where you buy your tickets.They could put a fountain or a statue in the centre. Could be used for a Jurassic Park-type space for fans during TFC playoff games or the World Cup 2026.

Right now you walk out of the station and see a loading docks. Not very welcoming.

Screen Shot 2022-02-18 at 2.13.15 PM.png

And as for the food part, they should convert the Queen Elizabeth Building into a permanent food hall, something like Time Out Market where people could eat and drink before and after events.
Seeing the most recent plans for the Exhibition Ontario Line/GO Station makes me think we should tear down the Food Building and turn that space into an open plaza.

View attachment 380905 View attachment 380906

When you walk out of the station, you should be entering a welcoming space that you might want to linger in for a moment and gather yourself before you head to your destination within Exhibition Place. It would act as a release valve for all the people getting on and off the train at once. When the CNE is on, it could be the place where you buy your tickets.They could put a fountain or a statue in the centre. Could be used for a Jurassic Park-type space for fans during TFC playoff games or the World Cup 2026.

Right now you walk out of the station and see a loading docks. Not very welcoming.

View attachment 380909

And as for the food part, they should convert the Queen Elizabeth Building into a permanent food hall, something like Time Out Market where people could eat and drink before and after events.

The Food Building is purpose built and serves that purpose well.

Why would you gut usable space in the Queen Elizabeth Building just so you can replace a building that functions well enough?
The Food Building is purpose built and serves that purpose well.

Why would you gut usable space in the Queen Elizabeth Building just so you can replace a building that functions well enough?

I'm mostly coming at this through the lens of the overall "user" experience of Exhibition Place, with the hopes of making it a more attractive destination year-round, not just two weeks in the summer. Maybe QEB is not suitable for food, but it's just a suggestion. My point is more that with so many more people arriving via Exhibition Station, the Food Building is in the wrong place and facing the wrong way.
I think a smarter move would be to renovate the existing food hall - give it a new facade that faces outwards and allows views inside, rework loading dock access, and add some skylights to bring some natural light into the interior. They can save the modernist facade / signage / lighting on the south side but as far as I am concerned the entire north half of the building can be redone. My biggest issue with the food hall is that outside of the EX, it doesn't really seem to serve any function other than storage.
Honestly the Ex is just horribly planned - haphazard placement of buildings over the years have totally degraded the circulation and sightlines of what should have been a delightful experience. The primary public transit portal (Exhibition Station and streetcar loop) felt like an armpit of a space that is the underside of the Gardiner. So much potential - and yet so trashy.

Honestly the Ex is just horribly planned - haphazard placement of buildings over the years have totally degraded the circulation and sightlines of what should have been a delightful space.

100% agree. Walking through the Princes' Gates and looking towards another loading dock at the Better Living Centre...
