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Nov 23, 2007
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Floating Toronto B&B makes waves

A new Toronto bed and breakfast offers an unusual experience with a panoramic view of the city.

The Making Waves Boatel is a floating B&B in the Toronto harbour near the Rogers Centre.

"You look out your back window and you've got a great view of the downtown and you look out your front window and you've got a great view of the island and there's always boats going by," said the hotel's first guest, Ralph Lembke. "It doesn't get any better than this."

The three-bedroom lodging on Lake Ontario is run by Diane Greene and her husband, Ted.

In 2004, the Greenes retired from their technology jobs so they could live out a life-long dream of boating full-time.

"The boatel allows us to share our lives and our lifestyle with our guests," said Diane, who also lives on the boat with her husband. Guests share living space and roof-top deck.

Kitty Kugle and her husband, whose interest was piqued as they saw the boat's small sign along the dock, said they may book a room despite living in a nearby condo.

"It's something your friends never do. You can always say, 'Hey, listen to what I did.'"
