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I don't care anymore.
Good for you for giving up!

Does it have to be? Each regularseason is only about 4-months long, with a 2-month overlap. You could just advance the CFL season to play a couple of months earlier, and you wouldn't need to overlap, except for CFL play-offs.

Might be a better deal for CFL not playing in some of their locations in November ...
Hell no! There's no reason to ever change the Canadian tradition of a late November Grey Cup.
Bringing the NFL to Toronto would sign the death notice for the CFL. Another Canadian institution that will disappear at the hands of American and foreign investment and takeover. Stephen Harper would be very happy because it falls right in with his agenda to Americanize Canada. Same reason why we don't need another NHL team. And these teams aren't established here for the citizens. It's for the tourists otherwise they'd locate them so they're accessible to everybody.

The CFL would be fine. The West will ensure the will be at least 7 teams. Although if you ask Winnipeg today, they would choose the NHL 10 times over.
Good for you for giving up!

Hell no! There's no reason to ever change the Canadian tradition of a late November Grey Cup.

I just don't want to fight anymore. If you want or need to be right so bad then so be it. Like I said I am not giving up - I don't care.
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Hell no! There's no reason to ever change the Canadian tradition of a late November Grey Cup.
Why not? We didn't seem to have any problem going away from the Canadian tradition of having the Stanley Cup finals in April and May? Surely playing the Grey Cup in September is far less absurd than playing the Stanley Cup in June when the temperature is in the 30s!
Why not? We didn't seem to have any problem going away from the Canadian tradition of having the Stanley Cup finals in April and May? Surely playing the Grey Cup in September is far less absurd than playing the Stanley Cup in June when the temperature is in the 30s!

The CFL would be fine. The West will ensure the will be at least 7 teams. Although if you ask Winnipeg today, they would choose the NHL 10 times over.
The Bombers were never "stolen" from them, so it's not comparable. And seeing as how the Bombers had 3,500 out to a practice this past weekend, they're doing just fine with an NHL team back in town.

I just don't want to fight anymore. If you want or need to be right so bad then so be it. Like I said I am not giving up - I don't care.
No, you simply had no counter-argument. It was a hack column by a hack writer. Just admit it, and move on.

LA is getting the Vikings as soon as they approve that shiny new DT stadium. Then Toronto. Should be Mex City, but its too dangerous.
The Vikings just chose from two new local stadium proposals -- how exactly are they going to L.A.?

If you were actually aware of the latest rumours, you'd know that the only current candidate to move to L.A. is the Chargers.

Why not? We didn't seem to have any problem going away from the Canadian tradition of having the Stanley Cup finals in April and May? Surely playing the Grey Cup in September is far less absurd than playing the Stanley Cup in June when the temperature is in the 30s!
That's great, but the Stanley Cup Final is not and has never been a wholly Canadian tradition. Not to mention that the NHL just kept adding to the end of its season as it expanded teams and playoff rounds rather than starting earlier. The NHL has opened its regular season in early- to mid-October since at least the 1960s.

And why should the 100 year-old Grey Cup move to accommodate a johnny-come-lately U.S. based league? It kills me how so many Canadians are eager for Canada to prostrate itself to our neighbour to the south at the drop of a hat.
After all the hoopla about making sound financial decisions during the election, the Fords want to put another professional team in Toronto?? How does that make any sense? Professional teams are not good for the economy. They do no generate jobs apart from entry-level jobs and siphon more spending money away from the local economy. It's been documented in literature time and time again.
The Bombers were never "stolen" from them, so it's not comparable. And seeing as how the Bombers had 3,500 out to a practice this past weekend, they're doing just fine with an NHL team back in town.
That does not answer the question in anyway. Nice Deflection. Come to expect that from you.

No, you simply had no counter-argument. It was a hack column by a hack writer. Just admit it, and move on.

I already moved on two days ago. You are the one acting like a baby. You still haven't proven how you know for sure how you know him, which is what I asked. Stop dodging and answer it.
The Vikings just chose from two new local stadium proposals -- how exactly are they going to L.A.?

If you were actually aware of the latest rumours, you'd know that the only current candidate to move to L.A. is the Chargers.
Really. According to the Star Tribune, they have to vote in Ramsey County(quick, tell me where that is) and they have until July 1, a drop dead date. They are in extra session and after July 1 the vikings are free. The Bills could also skip Toronto for LA, Jacksonville is a sore on the League and then There is the Raiders.

But you already knew this right. Fool.
That's great, but the Stanley Cup Final is not and has never been a wholly Canadian tradition. Not to mention that the NHL just kept adding to the end of its season as it expanded teams and playoff rounds rather than starting earlier. The NHL has opened its regular season in early- to mid-October since at least the 1960s.

And why should the 100 year-old Grey Cup move to accommodate a johnny-come-lately U.S. based league? It kills me how so many Canadians are eager for Canada to prostrate itself to our neighbour to the south at the drop of a hat.

It was from 1919 to 1926 . The NHL started out with 4 Canadian teams. Unless you are one of those who though Original Six meant something other than the 67' expansion. You should learn your Canadian history before lecturing others.

As for the rest, seems you are whining like a petulant child - yet again. To not know of the date exposes the truth. You are a Canadian Nationalist and not a sports fan. Be honest with
yourself, stop lying and admit it.

And because you have the constant need to have the last word I will tell you this. 1. don't respond to me if you have nothing useful to say. Stop wasting my time. 2. The this is a NFL to Toronto thread, not a whine about Canadians and the CFL thread. Go make your own if you can't stay on topic.

I'm watching for what crap you will conjure up now in your response.
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That's great, but the Stanley Cup Final is not and has never been a wholly Canadian tradition.
???? What do you mean? They Stanley Cup was established in the 1890s. It was 100% Canadian until 1927!

The Grey Cup has not always been a wholly Canadian tradition ... or are you forgetting that the Baltimore Stallions won it no so many years ago.

And why should the 100 year-old Grey Cup move to accommodate a johnny-come-lately U.S. based league? It kills me how so many Canadians are eager for Canada to prostrate itself to our neighbour to the south at the drop of a hat.
The Canadian Football League is only a bit over 50 years old. They Grey Cup used to be awarded to rugby teams, and later amateur Canadian football teams. The NFL is over 90 years old. Surely CFL is the johnny-come-lately league compared to the NFL!
???? What do you mean? They Stanley Cup was established in the 1890s. It was 100% Canadian until 1927!

The Grey Cup has not always been a wholly Canadian tradition ... or are you forgetting that the Baltimore Stallions won it no so many years ago.

The Canadian Football League is only a bit over 50 years old. They Grey Cup used to be awarded to rugby teams, and later amateur Canadian football teams. The NFL is over 90 years old. Surely CFL is the johnny-come-lately league compared to the NFL!

On top of that, the grey cup was awarded to university teams. The CFL is really Canadian Rugby

But don't waste your time nfitz. He is not ready to grow up yet. He is too stupid, immature and dense to understand that.
