Stop with the fantasy.This does not preclude the possibility that he was recruited by an UNDERCOVER cop.
Your the only undercover cop here ... we all know it.
Stop with the fantasy.This does not preclude the possibility that he was recruited by an UNDERCOVER cop.
This does not preclude the possibility that he was recruited by an UNDERCOVER cop. The police have themselves stated that they infiltrated these groups. We have seen video of the undercover cops disguised as black block. It would be interesting to know what connection - if any - undercover cops had to those arrested so far (the "patsy's).
Surely when this guy is brought before a judge he'll be spilling his guts about how the police told him to cause trouble as that would presumably give him an excuse to avoid facing any serious punishment.
If he was recruited and directed by undercover cops he himself would not know the identity of the cops. None-the-less this might be a good defense strategy for his lawyer to pursue. He should request that the police reveal the identity of every undercover cop that had infiltrated these groups.
He wouldn't have to know the identity, but he would be able to provide something of a description (unless you are saying he was contacted purely by untraceable, anonymous email or phone calls), to say nothing of that big bank deposit.
As for a good defense strategy, are you saying his lawyer will stand up and suggest that some guy he can't name or describe came up to him on the street, told him to trash a police car and so therefore must be an undercover cop? What's the difference between this and saying God told him to do it?
Unless he's got a smidgen of proof (like a good description of both the undercover cop and the process of contact as well as proof of compensation), then he might as well go with the God defense.
I still don't have any reason to believe you actually think these things through before you go online.
Did I ever say that he did? I said that if he were to, it'd be foolish and egotistical to just brush off that advice or criticism. You mocked Iran for criticizing some of Canada's actions at the G20. How would you like it if Iran mocked Canada for Canada's criticism on Iran?
If he was recruited and directed by undercover cops he himself would not know the identity of the cops. None-the-less this might be a good defense strategy for his lawyer to pursue. He should request that the police reveal the identity of every undercover cop that had infiltrated these groups.
And furthermore why would someone hired by cops (undercover or not) be outfitted in police gear? Wouldn't that be the dumbest most incompetent person ever?
Not at all! After enough of these crazy theories are disproved the public comes view anyone who questions the official version of a story as "conspiracy theorists wearing "tin-foil hats" no matter how legitimate the questions.
Agreed.I don't care about the theories. I am glad to see that the public and police partnered up to bring the vandals to justice.
A good example of how this works is 9/11. In the aftermath there were many legitimate questions about whether Bush and members of his administration had prior knowledge of an attack but allowed it to occur to suit their agenda (much like Toronto Police allowed vandals to go on a rampage). The legitimate questions were soon drowned out by the crazy theories such as the Pentagon was hit by a missile or the WTC was brought down by pre-planted explosives etc. I have no doubt that intelligence operatives were behind these crazy theories. Its the perfect way to discredit those people who have legitimate questions.
Given your claimed certainty, can you provide any actual proof to support your assertions, or are you merely stating an unfounded belief?
Now when do we bring the rogue police officers to justice.
“Either you support the police or you don’t support the police here,” the Etobicoke councillor said. “This is black or white. I support the police,” he said, accusing Thomson of “sticking up for the protesters.