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That he considers a thread being locked on an internet forum comparable (even when joking) to what some of the protestors were put through just screams of narcissism.
I want to reiterate. I know some police made some mistakes violating rights & freedoms. They ought to be disciplined, but I dont believe in absolutes. If someone asks me to "pipe down" for example I dont think my freedom of expression has been silenced. In a similar vein i am not convinced police actions were gross violations. Look, Seattle WAS trashed. There are agitators with mental issues who hide in the masses. It was difficul that day to identify them because so many people were out looking for a vicarious experience. I estimate that 2% were potentially violent, 23% wanted protest within the law, and 75% were just there to watch. So the police had some trouble sorting people out. But no-one really suffered, and no-one deservs to get rich off this. If it becomes common place for anyone to successfully sue the city or police for these things, it will greatly embolden the 2%ers.
And to BurlOak's point - what about our responsibilities as citizens. There there precious few innocent citizens, the other 98%, trying to restain the 2% black block. Do you think anyone would've had the nerve to break a window if 98 people had scolded them - definately not!
All of us are guilty in focusing on our rights rather than our obligations. Lets not scape goat the police all the time. Anyone who was on tippy toes trying to take in "the action" was an enabler.
....and you have the right to do that, due to the protesters you have so much hatred for.

Yes, it was the black bloc and protesters who gave us our rights. /facepalm

I can only imagine what this board would have been like when Trudeau put into effect the War Measures Act to counter the terrorism of the FLQ. Probably would have sided with the terrorist murderers and kidnappers.
Yes, it was the black bloc and protesters who gave us our rights.

Are there any 10 year olds near by who can explain Canadian history to you, your ignorance is astounding.

Remember when the QPP posed as black bloc members to incite violence?
These are your people....and you seem so proud.

Probably would have sided with the terrorist murderers and kidnappers.

Yes, because anyone who doesn't agree with your narrow minded views is a murderer.
Yes, because anyone who doesn't agree with your narrow minded views is a murderer.

Wait, you're actually trying to argue that the FLQ weren't murderers? Well that explains enough about you. Wow.

Seriously, read occasionally. Do yourself a favour and google "Pierre Laporte" and "James Cross", you might learn something.
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Cops are always in the middle. I can only imagine the outcry if the outcome had been different..

"Cops lost control, they had ample warning about the protest and its violent history, WHY didn't they intervene earlier, WHY didn't they have detention facilities set up...Chief Blair failed in his duty!!"
Do yourself a favour and google "Pierre Laporte" and "James Cross",

Were they at the G20?

try to stay on topic, we know you have an axe to grind, and your intellectual dishonesty dominates your posts. But please, your rhetoric is silly.

Wait, you're actually trying to argue that the FLQ weren't murderers?

No, your reading comprehension skills are severly lacking. You are claiming that anyone in who doesn't agree with you is a murderer...can't you see how utterly stupid you sound?
It's cute how you all know what each other is's like you share one mind ;)

I honestly don't know how you summon the patience. While this is, of course, an appropriate forum for people to state contrary ideas, on the subject of civil liberties it is apparent that different people have differing views of "reality" (e.g. whether the law applies equally to police and non-police, what is the current legal meaning of the Charter's prohibition on unreasonable search, etc.). Arguments don't really work unless the parties are basing their positions on commonly understood facts. In the absence of a common factual basis, what we are left with is people shouting their opinions past one another.
All of us are guilty in focusing on our rights rather than our obligations. Lets not scape goat the police all the time. Anyone who was on tippy toes trying to take in "the action" was an enabler.

They ought to be disciplined, but I dont believe in absolutes

It would appear that you do believe in absolutes - and that belief is asymmetrical . And sorry, does what you call "obligation" extend to silence in the event of wrongful arrest? What of the obligation of those who are given the monopoly in the legal use of force to be held to a higher standard - and their obligation to not taint their authority (and where such power derives from) with abuse? And if you say the members of the police should be disciplined - why aren't they, beyond the most superficial of attempts? What conceivable rationale can you suggest to me that would make comments about the hairiness of one's legs (if the claims are true) and one's perceived sexuality a legitimate and appropriate ground to identify and detain others?

And to BurlOak's point - what about our responsibilities as citizens. There there precious few innocent citizens, the other 98%, trying to restain the 2% black block. Do you think anyone would've had the nerve to break a window if 98 people had scolded them - definately not!

Again, what does responsibilities mean? Act within the law? Yes. Act within the law and still subjected to arbitrary detention, verbal and physical abuse? No. It has nothing to do with what anyone else thinks.

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I can only imagine what this board would have been like when Trudeau put into effect the War Measures Act to counter the terrorism of the FLQ. Probably would have sided with the terrorist murderers and kidnappers.
During the entire October Crisis less than 500 people were arrested during a 3-month period - and only about 60 were actually charged. At the G-20, more than double the number were arrested in Toronto in less than a week, and four times the number were charged.

A very different situation ... but remember what some of the protests of the October Crisis were about! Do you support the RCMP in British Columbia taking advantage of the imposition of the War Measures Act to start arresting Anglos in Vancouver? Seriously, read occasionally
I honestly don't know how you summon the patience. While this is, of course, an appropriate forum for people to state contrary ideas, on the subject of civil liberties it is apparent that different people have differing views of "reality".
I commented on Doug's rather egregious misunderstanding of The_Architect's comments and the irony of his post, nothing more. I suppose it's OK for him to fly off and make whatever ridiculous claim he likes, though, because the two of you share a viewpoint? More pots and kettles. Big surprise.
Bottom line the cops in the line overreacted and the government got what they wanted, the media focusing on a handful of thugs while the real protest was ignored.
