IMHO, Canada should target a minimum population of around 50 - 60 million people - so a high rate of "managed" immigration is a positive thing.
You won't get that from Europeans. You can only get it from non-Europeans. Maybe I am wrong, but Canada would indeed look like a very different place if whites were to become a minority. This seems to be what you are advocating, isn't it? There is no way that people can assimilate nowadays like they did in the 1800s - back then they had to assimilate... now there is a choice.
The other question is where to put these supposed millions. Why not just call ourselves Little Asia, or for that matter Little China, as I am sure that 40 million chineese would gladly swim over and become citizens. Most of the world would come here, it is in our interest to prevent this. Especially in times of a shaky economy, we must look to let in as few people as possible. I can't tell you how many stories I have heard of people just making papers for someone else via marriage. That should be limited.
If it was so easy Japan's population would not be falling..... they are xenophobic like you towards immigration.
Of course if you took away all the money from the women (100% tax rate), then maybe we could coerce them to have more babies - no baby, no money. You know slaves - take away peoples rights and everything would be better - or at least that is what I am hearing from a few people here
And good for Japan. At least they will do not have minority issues, unlike elsewhere where minorities indeed become second class citizens more often than not. Recent migrants are often living in miserable conditions.
IMHO, Toronto would not be the great city it is today if we had barred immigration
Sure, in times of booming economies it may be useful to bring abroad a few more serfs.
But one can not always count on good times, can they? What do we do then? Why must we always look to keep on expanding GDP as if there is nothing else to live for? Where is the sustainability?
Why are we looking at the symptoms of the problems rather than the causes of the problems?
Here families are in hard positions, often so that both family members have to work to make it through. That is not a good thing, by any means. It puts pressure on these people to not have kids. That is where the crux of the problem is, the capitalistic greed to squeeze as much out of the populace.
Some time ago at some conference people were discussing the population problems in Denmark or somewhere. And then one African guy said well just bring in a million people from Kenya. Or something like that. The dummy did not see what the problem with this sort of thinking was. These people are black, and putting a million blacks into a country produces a radical change in the structure of society, a change that will produce backlashes.
Of course, it means more to be Danish than to be Canadian... Canadian culture has much less meaning/identity, it's just a mushed up thing... but nonetheless, we need to try to preserve that, shouldn't we?
But go ahead, ignore the question of why not focus on the symptoms, and instead go off on the immigrant tangent, by focusing on the symptom rather than the cause.