These cuts show pure backward thinking. Our governments have no problem spending hundreds of millions of dollars to prop up dying manufacturing and automotive companies while expanding oil sands development, but any money similarly spent to support creative and tech fields is "wasteful" or "trivial". Why is the job of a designer or filmmaker seen as less valuable than that of an auto assembly line worker or oil engineer?
Many of the most interesting interactive web sites I've worked on in recent years have been at least partly funded by things like the CNMF (Canadian New Media Fund) which was chopped last week. Each of these projects employed a variety of hard-working people: filmmakers, graphic designers, translators, web developers, writers, editors, flash animators, sound recording engineers, etc. You know, the type of jobs that should be the future of Canada's economy.
But instead of embracing the future and generously funding creative industries our government is crippling them, while simultaneously spending money in a failed attempt to prop up obsolete industries. Car manufacturers in southern Ontario happily accepted hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks to keep them operating -- and then closed their doors only months later.
Instead of competing with Silicon Valley, Ireland and Europe for the creative jobs of the future, our government is choosing to compete with India and China for the manufacturing and resource jobs of the past. The best this vision holds for Canada is a reversion to our old economy whereby we subsist by supplying nothing more than raw resources (oil, water, softwood, beaver pelts) and cheap labour to our richer neighbours.
Why? I think it's a combination of older politicians who simply misunderstand the transitions that are taking place in our economy, along with pure political selfishness: the Conservatives want to appease their base of western and rural voters while simultaneously giving the finger to urban areas like Toronto where the vast majority of creative, arts and tech jobs lie. This politicking and shortsightedness is going to leave us all worse off.