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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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It would have likely been named Centennial (given that it's on Centennial Parkway) if it wasn't for a Centennial Station already existing in Markham.

As for the border itself, yeah it's kinda weird. South of Queenston Rd it's on or west of Centennial, but north of there it's way over at Grays Rd. For trip purposes though, increasingly everything east of the Red Hill effectively functions as Stoney Creek.
Yup. Centennial is the main retail area for Stoney Creek even though it's technically in Hamilton.

It's all one amalgamated municipality now though so that former municipal boundary matters about as much as Humber Bay being in Etobicoke. The whole thing is Hamilton now.
It's all one amalgamated municipality now though so that former municipal boundary matters about as much as Humber Bay being in Etobicoke. The whole thing is Hamilton now.

Not that municipal boundaries really mattered much in the former Metro. Despite the urban-suburban divide, the truth is that Metro was commonly seen as one city, more so than the amalgamated Hamilton is.
Came upon this reading Waterloo Council Report and away around CP objection to GO service Cambridge

Report: 1.0 Introduction The Regional Municipality of Waterloo, in collaboration with the City of Cambridge, Metrolinx, and MTO is leading a Study to assess the feasibility of providing GO train passenger service from the City of Cambridge to Toronto (Union Station) via Guelph along the Fergus Subdivision which is currently owned by the Canadian National Railway company (CN). As owners of the railway facility, CN is a key stakeholder who has been engaged throughout this study, along with staff from the City of Guelph, County of Wellington, and Township of Guelph-Eramosa. This Study was structured to be carried out in two phases with Phase 1 carrying out high-level analysis and Phase 2 carrying out a more detailed analysis based on the findings from Phase 1. To promote ease of advancement of this project, elements of Metrolinx’s Business Case were adopted in both phases of this Study. Phase 1 was completed and presented to the Planning and Works Committee on June 18, 2019 via TES-TRP-19-09. Since that time, the majority of the work has been completed on Phase 2 of the study with completion anticipated in Summer 2020. 41 41 May 26, 2020 Report: TES-TRP-20-09 3277457 Page 2 of 5 2.0 Review of Phase 1 Conclusions As noted in TES-TRP-19-09, providing GO passenger rail service which connects Cambridge to Toronto would serve to accomplish the following key benefits: • Connect Cambridge to one of the fastest growing regions in the Province; • Enhance economic growth and investment potential within the City of Cambridge in specific, as well as the Region in general; • Leverage investments made in local and regional transit (i.e., ION LRT Stage 2 and Kitchener GO Line corridor respectively); • Provide opportunities for land-use intensification and transit-oriented development; • Reduce congestion on the Highway 401; and • Provide reliability and travel time savings. The connection to Toronto Union Station via Guelph along the Fergus Subdivision was assessed as an alternative to previous Regional studies in 2009 and 2014 which focused on the feasibility of extending the Milton GO Line into Cambridge but ultimately identified significant barriers to implementation. The two potential GO rail service corridors into Cambridge are shown in Appendix A. Phase 1 of this Study of the Fergus Subdivision focused on the following tasks: • Review updated information which has become available since the 2009 and 2014 Milton extension studies were completed; • Develop preliminary ridership forecasts for a Cambridge-to-Guelph GO train service; • Conduct preliminary analysis for potential Cambridge GO Station locations; • Develop possible GO train service scenarios; and • Provide a preliminary, high-level cost estimate. Based on the findings from the tasks carried out in Phase 1, providing GO passenger rail service between Cambridge and Toronto Union Station along the Fergus Subdivision was deemed as the most viable alternative to the Milton GO Line extension for the following reasons: • There are potential ridership and travel time savings associated with the Fergus Subdivision route which could be achieved through ongoing investments from Metrolinx to improve service on the Kitchener GO Line; • Connecting Cambridge to the GO rail network via the Fergus Subdivision has a higher degree of constructability and deliverability compared to the Milton GO Line extension given the ability to bypass the need for negotiations with Canadian Pacific Railway to operate along the Milton GO Line. Based on early discussions, Canadian National Railway appears to be more open to the 42 42 May 26, 2020 Report: TES-TRP-20-09 3277457 Page 3 of 5 possibility of operating a passenger rail service along the Fergus Subdivision; and • Based on current and future travel patterns of Cambridge and Region of Waterloo residents, the midline stations along the Kitchener GO Line between Guelph and Toronto Union Station offer a higher potential to be transformed to key destination stations for future riders, compared to the midline stations along the Milton GO Line corridor. 3.0 Goals, Purposes, and Current Progress in Phase 2 Building on the work completed in Phase 1 of this Study, Phase 2 is currently underway to advance this Study in a manner which would easily flow into the development of a Metrolinx business case for this GO rail service. Accordingly, Phase 2 of this Study is being conducted to focus on the following tasks: • Further assessment of the candidate Cambridge GO Station locations; • Refinement of the Fergus Subdivision service scenarios; • Building a strategic case for this GO train service; • Assessment of the economic feasibility of the Cambridge-to-Guelph rail service; • Closer review of the deliverability and operability of the Fergus Subdivision service, including a review of track conditions, rolling stock technology, solutions to potential railway congestion, GO station integration, constructability and governance considerations; • Assessment of the financial feasibility of the Cambridge-to-Guelph rail service, including high level capital cost estimation and revenue potential; and • Establish next steps for advancing this project beyond the Feasibility Study. To date, all of the consultation, research, analysis and preliminary conclusions have been developed for Phase 2. A draft version of the final report was circulated for review to all of the key stakeholders in February 2020, including Metrolinx, MTO, the City of Cambridge and the Region’s neighbouring municipalities. As a result of the shifting priorities in mid-March for many of the Region’s partner organizations in this Study, delays in the review of the Phase 2 draft report have ensued. From the early indications of the work completed in Phase 2 to date (and subject to review from the project stakeholders), the findings from Phase 1 have been further validated to suggest that this project is indeed viable for providing the Cambridge GO service that aligns with the transportation planning goals and objectives for both the Region and the City of Cambridge. 4.0 Next Steps In the short-term, the next step for this Study is to finalize the Phase 2 summary report. Given the nature of this Study and the associated subsequent steps, the Region would be remiss in proceeding without input from the key stakeholders in order to improve the 43 43 May 26, 2020 Report: TES-TRP-20-09 3277457 Page 4 of 5 chances for success of this Study. As such, the Phase 2 summary report cannot be finalized until the key stakeholders have conducted their review and provided valuable input. Nevertheless, the Region is working towards finalizing this Study by early summer of 2020 (barring any further external delays) such that the final results can be reported to the Planning and Works Committee in late summer of 2020. While the road map for advancing this project is still being finalized in the Phase 2 summary report, it is generally recognized that the next major milestone beyond the completion of the Feasibility Study is for Metrolinx to complete an Initial Business Case for the Cambridge GO Service. As part of the current Study, a Communications Strategy is being developed to provide recommendations for the Region regarding key stakeholder engagement to support the advancement of this project into the Metrolinx Business Case stage. Corporate Strategic Plan: Connecting Cambridge to Toronto (Union Station) with GO rail service via the Fergus Subdivision is directly related to the following strategic objectives under the Thriving Economy, Sustainable Transportation, and Environment and Climate Action focus areas: • Create a competitive business-supportive community to help attract, retain and grow employers, talent and investments in Waterloo Region (Strategic Objective 1.1); • Improve and better integrate roads and rail transportation services to and from Waterloo Region (Strategic Objective 2.2); and • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Strategic Objective 3.1). Financial Implications: Nil. Other Department Consultations/Concurrence: The Region’s Planning, Development & Legislative Services Department was involved in this Study. Attachments Appendix A – Potential Passenger Rail Corridor Connections from Cambridge (2009 Feasibility Study) Prepared By: Darryl Spencer, Acting Manager, Transportation Planning Approved By: Thomas Schmidt, Commissioner, Transportation and Environmental Services
Whoa is that a wall of text!

Key point from above; a report will ask Metrolinx to further pursue GO Trains to Cambridge.

It will recommend using the Fergus Sub via current Kitchener Corridor to do so.

If M/L accepts the recommendation it will pursue an IBC (initial business case) and the project will go from there.
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The Highway expansion is for inter-Cambridge travel. The freeway still narrows to 6 lanes once you leave the region.
Give it 20-40 years and it will be 10/12 lanes from Toronto to Windsor
There's a very substantial work effort going on today at Hamilton Junction, cutting in all the new signals for the track extensions to West Harbour. When this work concludes over the weekend, the West Harbour extension will be substantially complete.

A platform for the Niagara service would be the next step.

- Paul
There's a very substantial work effort going on today at Hamilton Junction, cutting in all the new signals for the track extensions to West Harbour. When this work concludes over the weekend, the West Harbour extension will be substantially complete.

A platform for the Niagara service would be the next step.

- Paul

That’s great news. Has the remaining 3rd track between laid? I know it hadn’t been a few weeks ago.

Also, the 3rd platform at West Harbour is a mystery to me. Detailed design was completed in the fall, and it was supposed to be tendered in early winter. Wonder what’s up with it?
Headed out to Bayview Junction this afternoon thanks to a tip from @crs1026. The project looks to be largely complete, after many years of work. All track is tied in, and the 3rd track has now been completely laid. Signals were positioned properly and were being tested. With all of this progress, I feel comfortable saying that increased service to West Harbour should be possible in the very near future, pending COVID-related issues.









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looks like the City of Mississauga going after the Contractor For Torbram Road Grade Separations Project and will be hear about behind close doors on Wed for Litigation.
