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You can't prove that God ISN'T imaginary, though, can you? I think that's a bigger impediment to believing in something than what that something does or does not allow to happen.

New popes are always news. The Vatican is the closest thing the religious world has to being a world power.

It's also news when a place like North Korea gets a new leader. The coverage doesn't mean the media legitimize or accept what that leader stands for, though.

Rob Ford would alienate some of his supporters and opponents alike if he were to profess a new-found faith; it's not universally viewed the same way.

No I can't, but that's not an answer; you're just reversing what I said. You also can't prove that other people and objects aren't a figment of your imagination.

Why is it such a big deal for secular news agencies and readers/viewers? The Pope can't dictate to people how they should live their lives. There is an undeniable fascination with God.

Religious World? What does Catholicism have to do with Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, etc.?

I didn't say that the media legitimizes or accepts what the Pope stands for; I don't even agree with the catholic church. My point was, if God is so obviously an imaginary being -- as many of you believe -- then why is Christianity given such a limelight? And why even bother scrutinizing a being that doesn't exist? What's the point?
Much of what is considered 'scientific proof' is largely assumptions that we accept as facts (man-made global warming, for example). Science is not a perfect method for determining truth. Many things cannot be proved but we don't question them; watch the following video clip: John Lennox's 'Aunt Matilda's Cake' illustration further demonstrates the limitations of science:

You've never called out to God in a time of grief, uncertainty, fear, desperately hoping that there might be truth to His existence and that He would grant you a wish? I'm sure that even the strongest of atheists have tried to make contact with God at some point. Perhaps their lack of faith is partially due to Him not answering their prayers, i.e. if God loved me, He would help me?

The cake example itself has a limited view of what 'science' is or does. The reason for the cake's existence may lie in the field of sociology or anthropology. And if it's so important, can religion explain it in a sound manner?

And no, I have never appealed to a god for help. I'm not interested in believing in something that can't be explained fully so that it makes sense. Religion too often asks people to accept a non-explanation.
It would be interesting if Rob Ford became a born again Christian (but it means that he has to give up his criminal ties and his crack cocaine (and depending on denomination, alcohol as well), and reaffirm his homophobia).
I wasn't the first person to bring up God.


But surely you're aware that this isn't a fellowship circle or theology seminar. Your convictions, while understandable are (excuse me if I speak out of turn) not of place in a forum specific to a blot on (or immense benefit to) the political landscape of this fine city. Surely you'll admit their (your convictions) lack of relevance (despite the Blues Brothers outtake last evening) to a discussion of "Mayor Rob Ford's Toronto - Page 2562". Maybe there's somewhere on reddit or some purpose-built ecumenical discussion board where your earnest expressions of and inquisitions into the nature of faith might be sated? 'Cause, yeah, scroll finger hurt.
So, no offense, just...hungry...for, like, Moar Foooord.
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