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Re: How will Quebec react?JOHN IBBITSON G&M !! READ THIS

I wonder what percentage of the civil service is drawn from Ontario. Proximity to Ottawa and availability of alternative economic opportunities are also factors.
Re: How will Quebec react?JOHN IBBITSON G&M !! READ THIS

John Ibbitson is probably one of the worst columnists in the Globe and Mail. I get the feeling from his articles that he just today found out about what he was writing about. He's wrong for a few reasons, but one most important.----
Being that for the first time in 40 years there is a strong federalist premier in Quebec. Consider from 1976-1985 and 1994-2003 with the PQ, but also consider from 1985-1994 with Robert Bourassa and Johnson, both of which were lukewarm federalists at best.

Of course Ibbitson would love to play down the fact that Martin is immensely popular in Quebec, and doesn't seem to give much weight to the fact that Martin represents a Montreal riding.

Ibbitson is sad excuse for a columnist. The Globe and Mail would be well advised to pass on renewing his contract.
Re: How will Quebec react?JOHN IBBITSON G&M !! READ THIS

Quebec has had more thinnest fair share of federal money.
And it's Ottawa - - in my opinion- that is to blame.
Quebec threatens separation-- and billions flow. If you were in business in Quebec, even in you were a Canadian nationals, it pays fact bucks to pretend to be a separatists t -- what would you do? Rattle the sword, buy a new European car: can't blame Quebec business for that - but you can certainly blame the Feds for the way they handled it.

You can't blame the West for being hard pressed to see the funny side of Western money being showered on Quebec but Western anger is misdirected -- it's not quebec's fault that the feds opened the wallet.

There are some massive misconceptions that many Quebecer have: that the rest of the country puts the screws to them. (Same way that many Canadians are firmly convinced that Toronto is a massive drain and that the feds must bend over backwards for Ontario -- how else do you explain our close minded devotion to the fault free Liberals? Would the Star be such a willing dupe of the Liberals if the Liberals didn't fork over blank cheques to Toronto?) Quebec's look over the boarder to Newfoundland and New Brunswick and draw some obvious - but wrong- conclusions: Quebec gets taxed to fund Atlantic Canadian public drunkenness.

Further, Bill Davis, in a move to show Quebecer how much we love them, forced Ontario school chidden to learn French while at the same time,, Quebecer were not forced to learn English. I was furious. Absolutely furious . Clearly, this was unfair. If you live in Toronto and need to learn a second language, you'd be better off leering Italian or Greek. Again, this resulted in misdirected anger towards Quebec.

Bottom line point: Quebecer aren't to blame for the massive resentment that is directed towards them. The causes of the resentment is that governments outside of Quebec have responded to Quebec in a pandering -- perhaps patronizing - way. The people in the rest of Canada are enraged. They should be enraged at their own governments-- and not Quebec or Quebecers.
Re: How will Quebec react?JOHN IBBITSON G&M !! READ THIS

The thing that has bothered me about Quebec is that with all of its abundant resources, it is still a have-not province. There is absolutely no reason for it to be a have not province. I hope Charest is able to turn Quebec around, and bring it up to the high economic level that is capable of.
Re: How will Quebec react?JOHN IBBITSON G&M !! READ THIS

That's a reuslt of Ottawa's incorrect reasponse to Quebec--open the wallet.
Re: How will Quebec react?JOHN IBBITSON G&M !! READ THIS

The negotiations required by the Clarity Act between Quebec and Canada for secession are triggered by a clear question. No clear question, as determined by the Parliament of Canada, no negotiations.

Re: How will Quebec react?JOHN IBBITSON G&M !! READ THIS

I dont think that Quebec will ever be a HAVE province, regardless of how economically sound they are. Ottawa will always heavily fund that province.
