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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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Streetcar service will be returning to Humber Bay Shores (and the rest of Lakeshore) on September 3rd after nearly 3 years of shuttle busses
Dont worry, next year a nice big fat stretch of Queen West will be undergoing sewer rehabilitation from Wilson Park Rd to Dovercourt, in addition to:
-Track reconstruction at King and Dufferin,
-Watermain replacement on King between Dufferin and Shaw
-Track replacement on King between Dufferin and Shaw

So basically it wont be returning for long.
Dont worry, next year a nice big fat stretch of Queen West will be undergoing sewer rehabilitation from Wilson Park Rd to Dovercourt, in addition to:
-Track reconstruction at King and Dufferin,
-Watermain replacement on King between Dufferin and Shaw
-Track replacement on King between Dufferin and Shaw

So basically it wont be returning for long.
Hopefully this wont affect local streetcar service on Lakeshore, I imagine it will just mean having to board a bus once arriving at Roncesvalles
The Park Lawn Lake Shore Transportation Master Plan has been completed and the final design details some very big positive changes for Humber Bay Shores.


The 501L Streetcar will have its tracks from the Humber Loop to Legion Road upgraded to an exclusive right of way, as well as a new track integrated into the soon to come Park Lawn GO station. This is depicted in blue on the diagram.
Lakeshore, as well as surrounding streets will receive uni directional cycle tracks as well as major street landscaping. Overall this will result in a much safer and more comfortable experience for residents cycling or walking around the area.


This will be the first major introduction of exclusive streetcar right of way on an existing line since the St. Clair 512 streetcar was upgraded in the 2010's. We can look forward to faster and more reliable streetcar service once constructed. I hope this will be extended westward at some point.
Why does the pond have to be out of use until 2025 or longer?

My remote control sailboat club has used the pond for decades, but the pond closed in the fall of 2020. Why does it take half a decade to update the pond?
Why does the pond have to be out of use until 2025 or longer?

My remote control sailboat club has used the pond for decades, but the pond closed in the fall of 2020. Why does it take half a decade to update the pond?

We have/had a dedicated thread (or 2) for the park works.

The Park Lawn Lake Shore Transportation Master Plan has been completed and the final design details some very big positive changes for Humber Bay Shores.

View attachment 490754
The 501L Streetcar will have its tracks from the Humber Loop to Legion Road upgraded to an exclusive right of way, as well as a new track integrated into the soon to come Park Lawn GO station. This is depicted in blue on the diagram.
Lakeshore, as well as surrounding streets will receive uni directional cycle tracks as well as major street landscaping. Overall this will result in a much safer and more comfortable experience for residents cycling or walking around the area.

View attachment 490757
This will be the first major introduction of exclusive streetcar right of way on an existing line since the St. Clair 512 streetcar was upgraded in the 2010's. We can look forward to faster and more reliable streetcar service once constructed. I hope this will be extended westward at some point.

What's interesting here (to me) is that they've proposed extending the streetcar ROW to at least Legion Road, but also possibly widening the bridge over Mimico Creek as well.
What's interesting here (to me) is that they've proposed extending the streetcar ROW to at least Legion Road, but also possibly widening the bridge over Mimico Creek as well.
Yeah that bridge is currently a blight on the streetscape and has speeding traffic very close to pedestrians.

Unfortunately further streetcar right of way expansion in south Etobicoke seems to be going nowhere fast. I emailed the public facing staff member, Katelynn Northam, to express my enthusiasm for the plan and also asked if Long Branch would be seeing improved streetcar operations. Her response was disheartening, saying "At the moment there is no study underway regarding streetcar lanes in Long Branch. As you referenced, studies were done in the past which determined that dedicated lanes were not required."

By the TTC's own standards, Lakeshore west of 30th street is more than wide enough (at least 30m) to facilitate exclusive streetcar tracks and is also almost exactly the area the Long Branch GO MTSA applies too.

To say an area seeing hundreds of new units completed a year "does not require" better transit feels a lot like the short sighted attitude that has resulted in HBS's terrible transit options the city is now playing catch up on two decades late. Will reliable transit only be "required" once hundreds of new residents are stuck in traffic on a streetcar trying to get/from Long Branch GO?
HBS looks like an epic city on its own when you're on the Gardiner heading west from downtown. It's not until you get close that you realize it's just a few blocks long on a single street 🤣
This is on the northeast corner of Windermere and Queensway. Not sure what is going on but I will assume the following: condos and big! Lol Before too long this strip is going to be a ‘thing.’


Saw this for the first time today and thought that a little reorganization of the grounds around it would go a long way! How about a clear line of sight to the promenade and water?


