Went to watch my nephew play hockey at the Downtown Community rink today at 745am.
Parked at the ICE District parkade.
1. It was not communicated or clear that you cannot get to the community rink from the parkade via Rogers Place's walkway (like you used to be able to do).
2. Broken window in the parkade stairwell up to the main floor.
3. Not two seconds outside and we were approached by two young men with backpacks asking for smokes.
4. You cannot go through the JW across 104 Ave to the rink either, which put us along 102st.
5. Thankfully, the scramble at 102/104ave is actually quite quick and responsive for pedestrians. Maybe 104st/Jasper could learn something from this.
6. Most of the trees planted on the west side of 102st no longer have branches (barely trunks) or are missing a good portion with the exception of 1 or 2.
7. We were approached by a guy totally %^&$($# up with a pair of pliers in his hand, but sidestepped him; he was yelling at everyone walking by.
8. The amount of broken bollard lights and other street furniture (some has been completely removed) was significant, especially outside of the casino. Hopefully those get repaired soon *broken window theory*.
9. All three the garbage bins were open, broken or inside out along the way.
10. The tagging and general appeal of the area left a lot of be desired.
11. Not sure until what time, but you had to be buzzed into the community rink by the attendant.
Given that the majority of the ~100 kids were likely coming from suburban locations and their parents not used to the area, I would have to say that there is more than a little room for improvement and that begins with better upkeep in and around the community rink. What an impression to leave folks with.
All of that said, it was fantastic to see so many kids coming Downtown for hockey school.