The location is killer for people who work in places like the banks who want to be close to work. Especially if they are from out of town and are only here for a short time. And there's not a lot of competition in the area for condos this close.
Adding 798 rental units in an area where there's maybe that much inventory in the $1400-1800/month range available per year will probably keep downwards pressure on rent prices. Not to mention we could be surprised by more small layouts at the not finalized proposed condos in the core, north of Front St. - Mirvish (2,709 units), Oxford Place (Unknown) and CF Towers (620 units) are all likely candidates for direct PATH connections.

Subtract carrying costs (tax+maint), no mortgage, and the investment that used to take 15-20 years to break even a few years ago is taking 25-30 years now, or longer, with longer periods of vacancy and rent prices stagnant or drifting lower.
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Are there any updates on the timeline to completion.. i.e. is occupancy still slated for December 2015/January 2016?
Does anyone on this thread own in the building and planing to move in on this tentative occupancy date of August??

Also, slightly off topic, but does anyone know if there is a development page for Centre Courts other developments? Mainly Core. They seem to have one for Grid which was proposed long after Core.
My final occupancy date has been moved to September 9th.

I will probably move in by end of the month as I'll have to pay rent for the month of September on my current condo anyways.
What it moved up or delayed? What was the original move in date? I know my move in was changed as well but I'm in Core.

Do you have parking? How will the assignment of that work, do you know?
My final closing date is on August 24. There is no intermin occupancy date. The condo will be registered by then. The original move in date was Dec 2015. (This was determined when I bought the place.) Then it was changed to June 30, 2016 and then mid August. Parking is only for owners with 2 bedrooms +. Studio and 1 bedroom and den were not eligible for parking and it is sold out.
492 sq ft. unit is listed for rent on kijiji at a price of $1780 per month.

$343,000 for the unit at time of sale
$68,000 down payment (20%)
$275,000 mortgage

monthly mortgage payment of $1,260
Hydro of $50
Internet of $70
Property tax of $200
Insurance of $100

Anything I'm missing?

Now, we don't know if the owner will actually get this price, but that's where the market has started.
You forgot condo maintenance fee. 492 x 0.50 per square ft = $246

492 sq ft. unit is listed for rent on kijiji at a price of $1780 per month.

$343,000 for the unit at time of sale
$68,000 down payment (20%)
$275,000 mortgage

monthly mortgage payment of $1,260
Hydro of $50
Internet of $70
Property tax of $200
Insurance of $100

Anything I'm missing?

Now, we don't know if the owner will actually get this price, but that's where the market has started.

492 sq ft. unit is listed for rent on kijiji at a price of $1780 per month.

$343,000 for the unit at time of sale
$68,000 down payment (20%)
$275,000 mortgage

monthly mortgage payment of $1,260
Hydro of $50
Internet of $70
Property tax of $200
Insurance of $100

Anything I'm missing?

Now, we don't know if the owner will actually get this price, but that's where the market has started.
What is the procedure on the maintenance fees for those that have taken possession?

Seeing as the amenities are not complete yet, I would assume maintenance fees would be pro-rated or the like?
