Sowing division into topics that are not fully divisive to begin with leads to wider clashes and fruitless debate. No need to look too far as to how that is going with our neighbours to the south and violent clashes in the streets. Historically, finding solutions and common ground was important in politics. Recently, that seems to have dissipated. I'm not naive or ignorant to the topic, but rather, want people to be able to have rational discussions, work together and find common ground. I have plenty of friends on both sides of the political spectrum and I am able to maintain healthy relationships with them. My point is relevant to both real life and online forums - that is the point.BTW, whether you want to address them or not the divisions are still there. Pretending they don't is either hopelessly naive or ignorant. Your choice.
Logical fallacies are a huge part of the issue when it comes to divisiveness: