dan e 1980
I don't think immigrants should be paid to move to specific places. You want to hear howls of complaint, go ahead and do that. Federal immigration settlement payments are already screwy enough; no need to mess things up even further by turning people new to the country into a resource to be spread around like rations of peanut butter.
i never said to pay them. maybe fast track their citizenship or something.
Again, how is it dangerous?
As for areas that you call "totally white," are you possibly suggesting innate racism in those places because of white people? As for racial divides, people always find them when they are specifically looking for them, when they focus on race constantly, when they worry too much about too many whites or personal definitions of racial divides.
And as for worrying about money, maybe thinking about the people would be a better approach. Immigrants are not just some resource to be hoarded, distributed or attracted to generate revenue.
yes. there will always be some racism by some citizens who have been here for generations and consider newcomers a threat to their way of life. immigrants usually have it harder
in this country because they might not speak the language, be poor, be discriminated aginst, etc. when you bunch them up all in one spot you're putting people with hard lives all in one basket. note the situation described in maxy's post above. this is the danger. they don't really feel part of the country when they're isolated. factor in comments like stephen harpers from the west - "west of Winnipeg the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from Eastern Canada; people who live in ghettos and are not integrated into Western Canadian society." - and then you see the danger of letting other areas being isolated from immigrants. they view the rest of the country as being un pure for some reason.
as for the money thing, didn't you notice that it was kinda sarcasm? a point to show what overprocetive moncultured areas are missing out on? sometimes you gotta explain things in dollars and cents for the tightasses.