Article full of the quotes posters state above, plus more, but this one ripped me inside:
So few Toronto politicians can do anything but 'rah, rah, rah, what good boys and girls are we' on Toronto's present cycling network. And I deal with it by being assertive, bordering on aggressive, and ready to react in an's almost military in form, to survive.
But if I had a teenager cycling...I just dunno...I've advised lady-friends not to do it, they are just too nice and forgiving. And motorists, many anyway, are voracious predators with their cars. Nice people get hurt.
It's one thing that it shouldn't be that way, it's quite another when Toronto politicos brag about 'how great it is', when Toronto is not only generations behind European cities, it's a generation behind other Cdn cities. Calgary, for Gawdsakes, is way ahead of Toronto.
Jennifer is no shrinking violet. And thank God for that...