Anyways, isn't this forum supposed to have guidelines about just insulting others? Its not exactly like my feelings are hurt, but it is boring to constantly be called a jerk or clod or whatever for disagreeing with you, and then be accused of having a chip on my shoulder to boot considering every argument you make is predicated on how you are innately smarter than all others.
It isn't a matter of "disagreeing with me". It's a matter of having a tin-eared technique of disagreement. And you aren't advancing your cause by patronizingly referring to streetcars as "trams" and Toronto Islanders as "squatters" and clumsily identifying the Vaughan/Zeidler crew with the Chuckie Windsor retrogressives. Sure, you may choose to strategically distance yourself from the Mel Lastmans and Rob Fords out there; but in the end, you're squatting in and pandering to similar turf. Even John Tory, were he to run again against Miller, would try to distance himself against such trams'n'squatters rhetoric--that is, unless he really wanted to milk the disgruntled-suburban-populist angle for all it's worth.
It does no good to attach yourself to Alsop-inflected urban idealism when you wrap yourself in the kind of rhetoric that I'd expect from some local 1993/97 federal Reform standard-bearer. (A more subtle and less off-base message than it appears.)*
*NB: I think I read somewhere that a young Preston Manning pulled his premier father's strings re the approval of Douglas Cardinal's design for the Ponoka Government Services Centre.
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