Not only confusing to "drivers"...confusing to this reader. I'm not having one of my brighter days today, so perhaps that's the short-coming, but if I were driving, my aptitude would still be average or better. And that's the point. What in hell do they mean?I really dislike the sign. Very confusing to drivers. I hope there is something behind the black sign to make it easier to understand.
If I did not know better I would interpret it as if
- Auto's could not go straight from 10pm-5am (similar to the no left sign shown below).
- Taxi's could go through any time.
- And transit and cyclists would have the same rules as drivers
There's a massive context missing, and this is going to go wrong unless the intention *at a glance* is made clear.
I'm reminded of the "No left turn X AM to X PM" signs at major intersections as it is. I can hear drivers honking at others not to turn at Dundas W and Bloor even as I type, and that's a block away. I note *lit* signs downtown at some junctions. And drivers *still* turning at a wholesale rate.
And that's with *understandable* restrictions...
Amnesia states that MetroMan is being defeatist. I think he's predicting actions based on what's clearly established elsewhere.
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