But see the thing is, even if cars were banned from King, it would still only have a minimal effect on the quality and reliability of the service, because of the number of traffic lights and stops that the streetcar makes. It doesn't matter if it has a ROW or not, if it's stopping every 300m it isn't going to be a very fast service.
A minimal effect? I think it would have more than that. Eliminating cars also allows us to address those two issues.
1. With a ROW, we would likely be building platforms for all the stops, creating a political situation where it is easier to eliminate excessive stops
2. With cars gone, the lights along King can have powerful transit priority, thanks to their simplicity. And we know that
even the TTC can build highly effective transit priority at simple intersections. Simply default to the cross street and change when there is a streetcar approaching, or it's been more than a minute or so since the last green (for the sake of cyclists). Additionally, with only transit and bicycles travelling along the street, there is less need for signals in the first place. Some minor intersections could have yield control and median pedestrian refuges instead.
I think people are taking "banning cars" too literally. We don't actually need to ban all automobiles, just those passing through. We can still keep some car access for deliveries and possibly even parking.
Many people have suggested that King be closed only east of Bathurst, and I completely agree. We can use Portland and Brant to help shift car traffic onto Richmond and Adelaide. Here's my proposal for the automobile network: Orange represents through routes, while grey represents local access only.
Overview of King, between Bathurst and Spadina (I got lazy and didn't finish road markings):
Bike lanes are in red. The yellow strips are streetcar platform edges. You'll notice that the streetcar stop at Portland has been eliminated (Brant is only 170m away). The stop spacing is 370m and 280m on either side of the Brant stop.
Distances are not to scale. I tried to keep road widths relatively accurate though.
More detail on King/Brant, looking northeast:
Note that there is a long left turn lane, so that streetcars are not delayed if there is a queue at the King street closure point
The retractable bollard is optional. I don't know if it would work with our freeze-thaw cycles.