The purchase experience was good, but communication was poor unless I initiated it

I would agree - even the colour selection choices and upgrades were done slowly enough to give you time to make you choices - I think they even went beyond their call to answer question and accommodate requests - even when in the end they could not do all requests. You could see they made an effort.

The problem is all communications.

Went to the meeting tonight. Sorry, but total waist of time. Maybe good for first time buyers but I have heard this many times before. I was surprised there weren't many questions about the delays. Sorry guys, from where I was sitting no interesting news to report ... When good questions were asked, the answer was always "I don't know"

Someone from Citizen should have been there !
I was on site today looking at the podium progress. It doesn't seem like there is any chance anyone is moving in within the next month.
I was on site today looking at the podium progress. It doesn't seem like there is any chance anyone is moving in within the next month.

I talked to a rep just before the holidays, and they told me first occupancies have been moved to the end of February. At the very least, I would think they have to get the lobby fully closed off from the elements before they can move people in. The building isnt ready for habitation yet, even by the very loose standards builders are subject to.
I talked to a rep just before the holidays, and they told me first occupancies have been moved to the end of February. At the very least, I would think they have to get the lobby fully closed off from the elements before they can move people in. The building isnt ready for habitation yet, even by the very loose standards builders are subject to.
Don't be so sure - I've seen buildings where they've ushered in folks via the loading dock until the lobby was even in good enough shape for people to walk through without safety shoes and hard hats.
Don't be so sure - I've seen buildings where they've ushered in folks via the loading dock until the lobby was even in good enough shape for people to walk through without safety shoes and hard hats.

Do you know which building and builder that was for? I haven't experienced that myself, but I don't doubt it does happen. I'm just hoping its not a Cityzen/Fernbrook/Castlepoint building.
I'd prefer not to name & shame, but I can confirm it was none of the developers you mentioned.

Happens often. One day someone will get seriously hurt and they'll stop allowing this crap to happen. Allowing people to move in while the building is nowhere near finished IMO prevents the building from ever being finished properly. It's then left to the board to look after what hasn't been fixed. Shouldn't be allowed to move people in until the building's completely finished. I don't care how delayed it is.
I was on site today looking at the podium progress. It doesn't seem like there is any chance anyone is moving in within the next month.

Looks like they just started cladding installation again on the south side. Nothing was really done until this week since Christmas. I guess the ice storm and general bad weather stopped work. Hope the weather is better so this is not a factor.
I just got word from my lawyer. It looks like another delay is in the works and the reason this time is blamed on the ice storm (“Act Of God” clause). Sorry, I don’t have an exactly delay amount, but the lawyer said we will be contacted shortly. This explains why nothing significant was accomplished during the last 3 weeks. Expect another letter soon :(
I heard this week that the site will be contacting purchasers in the next couple of weeks to do PDI's. I assume these are units scheduled for Feb occupancy.
I forgot to add that the recent ice storm "act of god" will certainly allow the builder to extend occupancy dates outside the guidelines provided by Tarion - Without paying compensation

So it may now be an uphill battle for someone that had a good case for compensation prior to the ice storm.
I forgot to add that the recent ice storm "act of god" will certainly allow the builder to extend occupancy dates outside the guidelines provided by Tarion - Without paying compensation

So it may now be an uphill battle for someone that had a good case for compensation prior to the ice storm.

But the mayor said it wasn't even serious. :cool:
Just received a letter from the builder - they anticipate another 3-4 weeks delay due to the ice storm and cold. Revised occupancy dates will be sent out in 2 weeks.
