For the closing information, you should be talking to your lawyer, they should have been contacted by the builder.

My lawyer was contacted by the builder a couple of days after the notice was sent out at the L Tower. My close is June 4th (barring any delays, which is likely due to the volume of units etc...)

Oh boy, a gas leak today! Had to be evacuated, it was nauseating inside the unit! What's happening with L(eaky) Tower. From water leaks to gas leaks. I hope that the city of Toronto is reading this. Not just for this tower but for generally granting occupancy permits when buildings are still in construction mode. I hope that it won't take a fatality before they actually listen but sadly I don't have my hopes up. When that happens, it will get really ugly. City of Toronto, what we have today is not acceptable!

On a side note, does anyone know when final closing is? Did you get all the documentation from the lawyers? The last communication that we received was from the Property Manager on May 1 advising us to stay tuned and that management will update us on the next step. So far we heard nothing from the builder?! (why am i not surprised)
For the closing information, you should be talking to your lawyer, they should have been contacted by the builder.

My lawyer was contacted by the builder a couple of days after the notice was sent out at the L Tower. My close is June 4th (barring any delays, which is likely due to the volume of units etc...)

My lawyer was also contacted and he got in touch with me regarding my closing date which is also in the first week of June. I then got in touch with the bank that's providing my mortgage and signed the paperwork for them and they were then supposed to send it all to my lawyer. Finally looks like the end is in sight.
My lawyer was also contacted and he got in touch with me regarding my closing date which is also in the first week of June. I then got in touch with the bank that's providing my mortgage and signed the paperwork for them and they were then supposed to send it all to my lawyer. Finally looks like the end is in sight.

I had a chat with the security downstairs, the backstage crane (going down this week) needs the L tower crane to be taken down. Also got the scoop that the crane units occupancy are targeting July. I suspect our crane will be going down in June... Sounds like bulk of the construction can be completed before the winter....
Had my PDI yesterday, after so many years of delay.
Unfortunately that the good
We walked into the building for the first time and I was shocked to see the amount work still needed to be done especially on the upper floors, it looks like a construction zone, only thing missing is the pillions.
Here is surprise but by now are we at all surprise..nah
Wrong tiles installed in the bathroom, this will require a complete re-gut of the washroom.(floor/walls)
BTW I paid extra for those upgraded tiles.
I was told this will take a min of 10 word from their lawyers on the subject.
I have an appt today at 4:00 to sign the papers for the keys tomorrow... DON'T THINK SO!!!
Don't they realize you cannot live in a unit without a functional washroom, we are no longer in the stone age.
OMG, this is the worst experience i have ever had with a builder.
I have purchased low rise before but this is my first and last condo especially from cityzen/fernbrook.
They should have stuck with low rise, don't go where no man has gone before.
Hate this whole experience
Had my PDI yesterday, after so many years of delay.
Unfortunately that the good
We walked into the building for the first time and I was shocked to see the amount work still needed to be done especially on the upper floors, it looks like a construction zone, only thing missing is the pillions.
Here is surprise but by now are we at all surprise..nah
Wrong tiles installed in the bathroom, this will require a complete re-gut of the washroom.(floor/walls)
BTW I paid extra for those upgraded tiles.
I was told this will take a min of 10 word from their lawyers on the subject.
I have an appt today at 4:00 to sign the papers for the keys tomorrow... DON'T THINK SO!!!
Don't they realize you cannot live in a unit without a functional washroom, we are no longer in the stone age.
OMG, this is the worst experience i have ever had with a builder.
I have purchased low rise before but this is my first and last condo especially from cityzen/fernbrook.
They should have stuck with low rise, don't go where no man has gone before.
Hate this whole experience

Same thing happened to my friends unit, wrong tiles done for washroom, but in the end she took the option to have the money paid for the upgrade refunded.
The builder's reps are also trying to shift some of the faulty construction costs to the condo corp. My advise is to consult your lawyer and as well challenge anything they tell you that doesn't seem to make intuitive sense.

Good luck!
Agree 100%
I admit the "boot" grew on me, and the shock of loosing it was a bit sudden, however, the new design is far superior. It does not intrude on the Sony Centre. The new design separates the L-Tower from the Sony Centre. Way better than the "Boot" design.

Daniel Libeskind all the way!
The condo corp should not assume any of the deficiencies.
same thing happened to my friends unit, wrong tiles done for washroom, but in the end she took the option to have the money paid for the upgrade refunded.
The builder's reps are also trying to shift some of the faulty construction costs to the condo corp. My advise is to consult your lawyer and as well challenge anything they tell you that doesn't seem to make intuitive sense.

Good luck!
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Cityzen is handling Customer. Never in my life have I hated condo living until now. There is no customer Service!!!

contractors started hammering at 5:30 AM. Does anyone from Management or Cityzen care? NO!!!

why would they loose sleep over our problems?

This place is not ready for occupancy.

Do they have a customer service office? Deal with them for fixes, not with property management. (Because it's customer service's job)
contractors started hammering at 5:30 AM. Does anyone from Management or Cityzen care? NO!!!

There are bylaws to prevent this... you could call them up... call 311 or see:


Construction Noise

It also applies to construction noise. Vehicles or equipment operating in connection with the construction of any building is prohibited during certain periods, including after 7:00 p.m. and before 7:00 a.m. Monday to Friday, 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, and all day on Sunday or and statutory holidays.
It depends on your purchase price. How much did you pay for your condo? Did the closing costs include development levies? And how much were they?
Hello, did anyone have the chance to review their final statement of adjustments? I was in for a nasty surprise. Total adjustments (including legal fees, land transfer, but excluding HST) were slightly less than 4% of the purchase price! I thought the norm was around 1.5-2%? Anyhow, never buying reconstruction again even less from this builder.

What was in your original purchase agreement?
Heads up guys check your statement of adjustments from ferncastle for interest payable on your deposits. The builder should be crediting you on final closing.. the amount is found on your interim occupancy statement of adjustments and should be moved to your final statement.

If you bought before late 2007 you are entitled to a gst rebate. Also regardless of when you bought and for what use (owner/investor)you are entitled to claim the gst/hst rebate.
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