Hi guys,
I met a guy whose on the 50th floor, he said things are moving along...more plp are moving in...it's looking a little bit cleaner inside so i guess those are good signs.
I noticed the crane still dangling from the east side...lol
Hope they remove that soon.
I am hoping my May date doesn't get pushed out again but who knows anymore.
When we get a letter from the solicitor, my wife and I place bets on how far out they are going to push the date...lol...it's become a game now.
Hey got to keep yourself entertained.
If anyone has any news pls post.

Out of curiosity, how many months/years was this delayed from the initial forecast?

It was me who you talked to the other day. Hope things do move along for you guys without delay!

Hi guys,
I met a guy whose on the 50th floor, he said things are moving along...more plp are moving in...it's looking a little bit cleaner inside so i guess those are good signs.
I noticed the crane still dangling from the east side...lol
Hope they remove that soon.
I am hoping my May date doesn't get pushed out again but who knows anymore.
When we get a letter from the solicitor, my wife and I place bets on how far out they are going to push the date...lol...it's become a game now.
Hey got to keep yourself entertained.
If anyone has any news pls post.
Great to have met you...wow what a small world.

Hey, if anyone knows of someone wishing to off load a parking spot pls ping me.

Has anyone heard anything further about when the building will be registered? Does everyone have to be moved in before that happens or can it happen earlier? I have also noticed many listings for the building on the MLS with units for sale. I thought we couldn't sell until it was registered and I didn't think you could list an assignment on MLS. How are these listing happening? Lots of questions.

There is no timeline that we have been given. There is still a lot of work do be done, but I think once they have given possession to all the owners, they are then able to register the building. To which I would guess sometime in or around August.

Also, once you are the interim closing you are allowed to put it on MLS if you sign a paper which gives the owner permission to rent *min 1 year lease and put it on MLS. You are allowed to sell as well, just have to pay an assignment fee; and obviously find a buyer who is going to buy into this not so ready building. (You as the owner would also give up the right to work with collecting GST rebate)

And yes, my TV is on the bedroom wall *55 which is okay so far. Only thing you will not be able to do is to put in a swivel TV holder (stand??) A normal one works just fine.

Has anyone heard anything further about when the building will be registered? Does everyone have to be moved in before that happens or can it happen earlier? I have also noticed many listings for the building on the MLS with units for sale. I thought we couldn't sell until it was registered and I didn't think you could list an assignment on MLS. How are these listing happening? Lots of questions.
Your neighbours at the Berczy had no interim occupancy for most tenants including me. Registered before move-in, almost unprecedented.
Does anyone know what the assignment fee for this building is? And have any of you know if there are any additional final closing costs?
I think assignment fee is $5,000.

My Client is looking to purchase a one bedroom North facing assignment unit here. If you are thinking of selling or know someone please get back to me.
Hi there, I am thinking of moving into this building in a rental and had a few questions I'm hoping you can help me with. Are there any updates on when parking will be done and the gym open? Can you give me an idea of the storage locker size? How do you move items into the building from your car if it's currently valet? I will have movers for the big stuff but wanted to move some boxes, etc in myself. Thank you all for your help!

There is no timeline that we have been given. There is still a lot of work do be done, but I think once they have given possession to all the owners, they are then able to register the building. To which I would guess sometime in or around August.

I just heard Ltower was registered ... i am not sure of the source though.

Can anyone confirm this ?
I just received an email from the property manager telling me that as of April 30, 2015, the building has been registered. They will let us know next steps.
I just received an email from the property manager telling me that as of April 30, 2015, the building has been registered. They will let us know next steps.

Good news ! ... thanks for replying riley
