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Apr 22, 2007
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On this side of the Pond it would be called a cookie-cutter stadium.

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Long on legacy, short on wow

Jonathan Glancey
Thursday November 8, 2007

This is a very simple building", said Rod Sheard, architect in charge of the design of the London 2012 Olympic stadium. And, I must say, it's hard to disagree. If you like your Olympic stadiums like Beijing's next year, in the guise of a giant and strangely thrilling metal bird's nest, or like Athens's in 2004, in the form of a bucking bronco engineering rollercoaster ride, then the London stadium is unlikely to be your cup of green tea, much less your shot of ouzo.

When Lord Coe unveiled the design yesterday, there was a breathless hush in the close-packed ranks of journalists assembled at the stadium site. You could have heard a hurdle drop. There was, though, no sudden burst of applause, not one "wow!"

London, it seems, is taking no chances. Although described yesterday at the official unveiling, in a cruelly wind-scythed Stratford, as "cutting edge" by the mayor of London, "a new blueprint for building Olympic stadia" by Lord Coe and "stunning" by Tessa Jowell, the Olympics minister, the £496m design looked rather tame and not a little like a conservative version of the sort of thing pop-era architects of the 60s used to dream up in swinging London but never quite got to build.

Fearful of building a Dome mark two, the Olympic committee and its designers, architects HOK Sport and engineers Buro Happold, have come up with an 80,000-seat stadium that - hey presto! - will be cut down to size, to just 25,000 seats, with precious little fuss when the Olympic Games have come and gone. So, the stadium is basically a concrete bowl - the permanent bit - with tiers of temporary seats stacked above it, with the whole caboodle wrapped in plastic sheets shot through with the kind of whizzy digital electronic technology that will allow these short-lived walls to display any images, still or moving, the Olympic committee deems fit for global public consumption in summer 2012. Given over to clever video designers and artists, this could be immense fun, and even illuminating.

Above all, though, this safe, sensible and pragmatic design has clearly been driven by the dreaded "L" word. All six speakers at the press conference used it, with Ms Jowell very probably breaking the world record with three mentions in less than 30 seconds. Not even the dashing Seb Coe could have beaten her. The word is "legacy", all the vogue in the very political circles that shaped the dread Millennium Experience a decade ago.

Sadly, no one holding an official torch for the London Olympics was willing or able to describe this "legacy". Expect, though, a huddled mass of low-cost homes, thrusting, two-fingers-up office blocks, gaudy shopping malls, a splash of artistic "water features" and a quirky new park along the banks of the river Lea in the soft shadow of a small and sensible, all-purpose post-Olympic stadium. The stadium may well go on to host a circus or two, but, matter-of-fact and just a little mousey, this will certainly be no white elephant.

· Jonathan Glancey is the Guardian's architecture critic



Toronto Olympic Stadium

I hate London's Stadium. For the amount of money they are planning to spend, you would think the stadium would be a little more stunning.

That being said, I can only help but imagine what Toronto's Olympic stadium would have looked like if we had won the 2008 Games.

In our bid book we promised a 100,000 seat waterfront stadium that would have been reduced to 20,000 seats after the Games all for the low cost of $196.3 million dollars.

It is too bad the bid design wasnt used. That would see the stadium covered in what looks like muscle fibres.
Oh well. It is a stadium, of which London has several, so why spend tonnes of money for something that will end up under used like the Millenium Dome? If they animate the walls with moving images, this could be rather impressive.
Isn't the point of the Olympics that the motion is inside the stadium? Why waste the money tarting up the outside with superflous video screens?
I dont think that the outside would be covered in video screens, rather it would be clad in a white material that would have images projected into it. Rather low-tech, but still effective.
I hate London's Stadium. For the amount of money they are planning to spend, you would think the stadium would be a little more stunning.

That being said, I can only help but imagine what Toronto's Olympic stadium would have looked like if we had won the 2008 Games.

In our bid book we promised a 100,000 seat waterfront stadium that would have been reduced to 20,000 seats after the Games all for the low cost of $196.3 million dollars.


I know. Right? Do you know if there are any renderings of any of the facilities that Toronto would have built for the '96/'08 Summer Games?
