recession proof
Just look for a really cheap and tacky entrance podium--an enormous dentist office on the ground floor. The fact the developer--Kolter--no longer is in the Toronto market is very telling, eh?
Oh and the buildings attempt to mimic the aesthetic of those blue glass silos popular in the country--the big difference, those blue silos are Class A quality while Waterclub is all fake all the time. http://www.busn.ucok.edu/epstein/BlueSilo/index.htm
Pier 27 or bust.... Actually, if you want good waterfront property, consider the Beach or even Parkdale!
Oh and the buildings attempt to mimic the aesthetic of those blue glass silos popular in the country--the big difference, those blue silos are Class A quality while Waterclub is all fake all the time. http://www.busn.ucok.edu/epstein/BlueSilo/index.htm
Pier 27 or bust.... Actually, if you want good waterfront property, consider the Beach or even Parkdale!