There is a really damning article in today's Toronto Life (well landed in my mailbox today - it says May on the cover for some reason) -
It's a very good read. And very unusual for Toronto Life - it's normally so utterly banal and shallow.
It's a very disturbing read. I always figured I've never been carded partly because I'm white, and mostly because the of the neighbourhoods I walk around (Danforth, Corktown, Regent Park, Cabbagetown, Riverdale, etc.). It's very clear from the article that the Toronto Police force is still being very racist.
So will Mark Saunders tackle the racism that still exists in the force?
At the same time I wonder why anyone would ever identify themselves to a police officer, if they were just walking along a street. I'd certainly not do it. Am I unusual? And then it crossed my mind that if one is feeling intimidated by the police, would one be more likely to co-operate? Did police officers focus on carding blacks in non-black areas because they could fill their quota more quickly? I don't know the answers to this ... I'm just thinking out loud. Maybe there's a carding thread I should take that discussion to ...