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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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I haven't been on the Toronto Issues boards since the mayoral election back in the fall, so I have no idea what direction discussions have taken since then. However, in light of the Mayor Tory's successful campaign to spend almost $1billion in public funds to rebuild a 1950s-style freeway in the city's urban core and his continued support of a $3billion+ subway extension through some of the least densely populated neighbourhoods in the city, I feel the need to reassert some of the statements I made during the election.

Far from being the level-headed, rational manager described by his supporters, I argued that Tory's career history has demonstrated him to be an erratic political weather vane who seems to make decisions based not on reasoned judgement but on wherever he thinks the political winds are blowing.

Against all evidence people told me that Tory was actually very smart and reasonable - that all of the terrible policy promises he made during the campaign were just necessary political moves to secure victory and that he would find a way to backtrack once he was put in a position of actually managing the city. The amount of political capital he expended on getting the Gardiner rebuilt demonstrates that not only does he share many basic policy and ideological views in common with Mayor Ford, he also shares Ford's stubborn insistence to stand by his ill-thought-out plans, no matter how much contrary evidence mounts up against them.

Congratulations to all of you who voted for Tory in order to keep Ford out of office. You now have someone who is even more effective in accomplishing Ford's agenda. And to all of those so-called "social liberals/fiscal conservatives" who felt some good will to Olivia Chow but didn't trust a "tax-and-spend socialist" to manage the city. I hope you enjoy spending all of the extra $billions on brand new highways downtown and subways in the suburbs.
From the Gardiner debate:

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Hmmm, this tactic sounds familiar:

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New mayor, same old regime.


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IMHO, "consensus" in a diverse body scares (unless it's humanitarian) the frak out of me, it's to close to fascism for my sensibilities.

Why do you assume that consensus must always come from external coercion (e.g. fascism). Very often (particularly within democracies) consensus emerges when one initiative can be shown to be objectively superior to its alternatives based on the rational comparison of costs and benefits. In these cases the only reason that consensus would not emerge is because some parties find it more advantageous to ignore reason and instead whip up irrational fears (e.g. like the fear of the "war against the car"). In fact, spreading irrational fear rather than working out political decisions rationally is exactly what sparked fascism to begin with. Reason has always been democracy's greatest defense against extremism.
Honestly I doubt get the big hullabaloo about this. We're doing a simple rejig of the connection between the two expressways into the city. It's not an epic city issue.

Sadly this is the legacy of the Ford era. Those inside baseball (and those on this forum) have turned every discussion into some sort of epic discussion on "the future of toronto".

Disagreeing with a politician on an issue (such as the Gardiner Expressway) doesn't make them morally bankrupt.
Honestly I doubt get the big hullabaloo about this. We're doing a simple rejig of the connection between the two expressways into the city. It's not an epic city issue.

You've gotta be bloody joking. There was an opportunity to improve this city. All the experts were in agreement that the boulevard was the way to go - former planners for this city, the architecture faculty of the U of T, even former mayors. Not to mention the architecture critics of the major journals. You must be kidding.

Not to mention that 1/2 billion more than necessary is being thrown at this, money needed for other items.
Why? Council considered two or three proposals, voted on a matter, and council now has a decision. Looks like the system worked well enough.

You think a system where we spend millions of dollars on studies and expert's advice, that few councillors seem to read, all coming to same conclusion, only to have city council vote against that advice, is working? lol I think that sounds like a great way to waste money and is completely dysfunctional. What is the point of doing studies, if we just ignore all the expert advice we get? Isn't that just screwing with us?

I'd expect that from a hick-town in Texas, not Toronto.
A gazillion bucks says Miller (and Lastman, and....) did something similar.

So long as this is a weak-mayor system, they will only be one vote and council will never agree on everything. You could put Nenshi in Tory's place and the same bickering would happen.
Why is it necessary for the ramps to cut across the midpoint of that proposed cove where the Don meets the Keating Channel? The boulevard option had the ramps located further east, towards the straight portion of the river.
