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Scared? Just more media pot stirring by promoting/highlighting a candidate for his pro LRT stance since he submitted his application. Soknacki doesn't even reside in this ward, and although he has some "experience" im not sure he shares the same views as this ward. Jim Hart seems like a logical choice given the Mayors platform, service to the community and recent service in Moesers absence

I mentioned this yesterday that something wasnt adding up with this promotion of Socknaki by the Star above all other 48 candidates as he wasn't a logical choice give the Mayors stance and the wards interests . I believe Socknaki was been genuine and I like how he stick to his views but unfortunate that doesn't make him the proper candidate to represent a Ward which is very much pro Ford/Tory and pro SSE.


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Scared? Just more media pot stirring by promoting/highlighting a candidate for his pro LRT stance since he submitted his application. Soknacki doesn't even reside in this ward, and although he has some "experience" im not sure he shares the same views as this ward. Jim Hart seems like a logical choice given the Mayors platform, service to the community and recent service in Moesers absence.

I mentioned this yesterday that something wasnt adding up with this promotion of Socknaki by the Star above all other 48 candidates as he wasn't a logical choice give the Mayors stance and the wards interests . I believe Socknaki was been genuine and I like how he stick to his views but unfortunate that doesn't make him the proper candidate to represent a Ward which is very much pro Ford/Tory and pro SSE.

Jeez this is only a one year appointment until the next election. He said he has no intention to revisit the subway, and as far as I know there won't even be another vote on it this term. This should have been a non-issue.

Soknacki doesn't even reside in this ward, and although he has some "experience" im not sure he shares the same views as this ward.

I believe Socknaki was been genuine and I like how he stick to his views but unfortunate that doesn't make him the proper candidate to represent a Ward

FYI, he represented the ward as a city councillor from 1999 to 2006.

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Note that under the ward boundaries at the time, the area where he currently lives used to be part of Ward 44. There are also 13 sitting councillors who don't live in their wards either, are they unqualified too?

This notion that someone can't properly represent the area just because they lives a few km outside of it, is really just a strawman argument being made by insecure Tory allies who have inflated the importance of this race as if it's somehow a referendum on the mayor, rather than who would best serve the residents. Besides, what happened to this?

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a Ward which is very much pro Ford/Tory and pro SSE.

How are you getting the impression that the SSE gets strong support/is a major issue in a ward that is nowhere near it and has one of the highest driving mode share in the city? Why would the residents of Paul Ainslie's ward (which is adjacent to 44) be against the subway but not ward 44 residents?


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Jeez this is only a one year appointment until the next election. He said he has no intention to revisit the subway, and as far as I know there won't even be another vote on it this term. This should have been a non-issue.

FYI, he represented the ward as a city councillor from 1999 to 2006.

View attachment 112996

Note that under the ward boundaries at the time, the area where he currently lives used to be part of Ward 44. There are also 13 sitting councillors who don't live in their wards either, are they unqualified too?

This notion that someone can't properly represent the area just because they lives a few km outside of it, is really just a strawman argument being made by insecure Tory allies who have inflated the importance of this race as if it's somehow a referendum on the mayor, rather than who would best serve the residents. Besides, what happened to this?

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How are you getting the impression that the SSE gets strong support/is a major issue in a ward that is nowhere near it and has one of the highest driving mode share in the city? Why would the residents of Paul Ainslie's ward (which is adjacent to 44) be against the subway but not ward 44 residents?

Ward 44 voted for Moeser and Hart wants to follow thru on Moesers agenda. Its the Star making Socknaki a feature and prancing out his LRT record. They could tell us all the great things about other candidates as well, they didn't and they singled out their guy from the day he said he was going to run. Please show me articles on any other candidates? I cant find one.

Hart makes sense to provide the ward the best representation in 2017 given his work with Moesers office. So if hes chosen I dont see why their is ridiculous comments about the Mayor being "scared". Not only would he likely be choosing the proper representation for the ward he would be choosing a candidate who is more likely to be aligned with his platform. Makes sense.

The Star is just being opportunistic an stirring the pot of anti-SSE rhetoric. If Socknaki was the best candidate to support Moesers agenda then great. But the issue I have is how he's been solely singled out by the media for obvious reasons and the issue is not Socknaki himself whatsoever.

Also the only ward in Scarborough that supports an LRT candidate(Guildwood) because they want to ensure they get their LRT in their ward and connectivity is not an issue. And it could be argued there is support for the subway itself given the Provisional bi-election in that Ward couple years ago than ran on the "subway champion". Ward 44 is not locally impacted by either line and although the subway is not a major issue its a major issue in Scarborough and they supported the subway candidates.
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Facts: Ward 44 voted for Doug Ford - not John Tory - for Mayor of the City of Toronto in 2014.

44.1% > 38.6%.

Comfortable majority.

Ford (Rob, then Doug) was always the more enthusiastic supporter of the SSE and subways.

Why are folks comfortable with potentially seeing the wishes of the voters disrespected and ignored by someone who doesn't even live there?
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Facts: Ward 44 voted for Doug Ford - not John Tory - for Mayor of the City of Toronto in 2014.

44.1% > 38.6%.

Comfort maj.

Ford (Rob, then Doug) was always the more enthusiastic supporter of the SSE and subways.

Why are folks comfortable with potentially seeing the wishes of the voters disrespected and ignored by someone who doesn't even live there?

Even if Scarborough had 100% Political support instead of 95-99%% a few posters here would still believe and regurgitate the Stars divisive misleading narratives. Saying Tory is "scared" because he might not pick the Stars preferred LRT candidate is absurd. In reality he is just supporting the Ward itself The Star/Metroland is supportive of stirring up divisive nonsense which doesn't reflect the overwhelming democratic concerns from 25% of the City's population

A Politician dosent need to be scared when they are supporting constituents. Any Politicians supporting the Stars agenda should be scared.
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The evil Toronto Star and Metroland, ganging up to keep Scarborough down.
How dare a councillor run for a seat without living with in the ward boundaries!
How dare a politician have a different option on a major transit expenditure?

It's all about the subway extension with you, isn't it?
Facts: Ward 44 voted for Doug Ford - not John Tory - for Mayor of the City of Toronto in 2014.

44.1% > 38.6%.

Comfort maj.

Ford (Rob, then Doug) was always the more enthusiastic supporter of the SSE and subways.

Why are folks comfortable with potentially seeing the wishes of the voters disrespected and ignored by someone who doesn't even live there?

So what? Ward 9 keeps re-electing Maria Augimeri, a David Miller ally even though they supported Ford in 2010 and 2014.
Why are folks comfortable with potentially seeing the wishes of the voters disrespected and ignored by someone who doesn't even live there?

Their wishes were never at stake. Again, there are no upcoming council votes on the subway till after the next election. This is really a non-issue at this time.
Facts: Ward 44 voted for Doug Ford - not John Tory - for Mayor of the City of Toronto in 2014.

44.1% > 38.6%.

Comfort maj.

Actually, by Scarborough standards, *not* a comfortable majority--5.5% isn't that gaping a margin, and in fact it was JT's second best result in Scarborough (the best being Ward 36, which he won). In fact, the three best Tory/worst Ford Scarborough wards (36, 43, 44) have this in common: a heavy poll concentration betwixt Kingston Rd/the GO line and the Bluffs, where the demos tend to be "whiter" and more affluent and, not coincidentally, Tory-leaning. By contrast, Ford swept ethnoburbia. It's about demos, not pro/anti subway--it's Highland Creek and West Rouge that made Ward 44 near-Tory.

Also, when it comes to Moeser winning in 2014, it was with only 25.73% of the vote--surely, token incumbency bounce had more to do with that than his position on transit.
The evil Toronto Star and Metroland, ganging up to keep Scarborough down.
How dare a councillor run for a seat without living with in the ward boundaries!
How dare a politician have a different option on a major transit expenditure?

It's all about the subway extension with you, isn't it?

Shouldnt the question be what is wrong with a Councillor who lives inside a ward and has a aligned agenda to the one who just unfortunately passed away? And where is the other candidates BIO in the media, quotes, or photo ops? Isnt that just better and much more respectful to the ward to have someone who supports the same agenda as the previous Councillor? So why the hard push from the media to showcase one name out of 48 that doesn't reside in the ward or share the same value on important topics? Seems like just more anti SSE pot stirring agenda to me. If you think they are treating all candidates in a fair manner please explain.

It not only about the SSE, it's more than that but on this forum specifically it is the SSE and Scarborough transit where the conversation is one sided. I used to and obviously still do read comments here from posters make jokes slagging Scarborough residents, Politicians, terms like Scarberians, and none of it is ever seen as a problem. But dare question Politicians from the other side or question where the the media puts its resources and there agenda and a few of the same posters are out taking offense. Im just trying to bring the other side so hopefully some may gain a better understanding than what is being told, whether we agree or not.

The Star/Metroland is not "evil" They are politically motivated whos agenda and crap stirring articles to help sell media poorly represents the people of Scarborough views here amongst other issues that have nothing to do with this forum. Im just calling a spade a spade and its not "evil" nor should it be a surprise for someone to note the bias in certain media outlets that is having an impact important matters. But it's clearly taboo. Before I get accused again of being "Trump" or "Ford" or "Trolling" Ill say the Sun is also Politically motivated and I would call them out at any time but are not close to involved on this topic or transit in general.

Lets get one thing straight, I respect anyone's differing opinion, its one of the reason i take issue with the having such a large group of people views being drown out and not respected. As far as Politicians go If some cant compromise or attempt to work with other Councillors on topics with unanimous support in the current climate where the Politics demand us to work together more than ever then yes I have zero respect. At some point they need to run for Mayor if they feel that entitled at this stage to keep making noise and problems over the support. The case has been made, rejected, no longer supported at all, it's completely ok not agree it, but at this point suck up the pride vote it down when given thee opportunity and move on or better yet try to work together to move the City forward in a somewhat constructive manner.
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Another Scarberian rule of thumb, perhaps: those most likely to have voted for John Tory are also those most likely to have heard of the name "Doris McCarthy".
Actually, by Scarborough standards, *not* a comfortable majority--5.5% isn't that gaping a margin, and in fact it was JT's second best result in Scarborough (the best being Ward 36, which he won). In fact, the three best Tory/worst Ford Scarborough wards (36, 43, 44) have this in common: a heavy poll concentration betwixt Kingston Rd/the GO line and the Bluffs, where the demos tend to be "whiter" and more affluent and, not coincidentally, Tory-leaning. By contrast, Ford swept ethnoburbia. It's about demos, not pro/anti subway--it's Highland Creek and West Rouge that made Ward 44 near-Tory.

Also, when it comes to Moeser winning in 2014, it was with only 25.73% of the vote--surely, token incumbency bounce had more to do with that than his position on transit.

Moesers runner up McKelvie is as supportive of the SSE as almost anyone in the City - 23.44%. *Moeser also signed the letter attached less than 4 months back

The support is overwhelming everywhere in Scarborough.

We had a Provincial "subway champion" win Guildwood. The only riding with a non subway Councillor. We had a NDP aligned Councillor recently elected in Malvern run heavy on the SSE in a ward that would have received some LRT in transit City and the subway does not reach. If that doesnt tell the true story, and why we should be changing the conversation to work or compromise in a more constructive manner than not much else I can say. Thats all in addition to the last 2 election platforms with clear calls for the SSE from the Mayors, the unanimous support from all other elected Politicians but one.

The discussion should not have been LRT vs. subway for some time. It should be about the impacts of Smarttrack on the subway, and how to build the most cost effective extension with stops. Regurgitating the same transfer LRT nonsense which has basically zero chance of ever being supported is not constructive for anyone in this City and should have been clear along time ago. Tory is getting a free pass on Smarttrack and the impacts because of the same transfer LRT vs. subway gutter debate that in reality has been a foregone conclusion for quite some time.


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