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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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Worth noting at this juncture is that many folks w/high IQ may plenty of dumb decisions, both personal and political.

Raw intelligence is useful, as is being knowledgeable; but the absence of wisdom, foresight and empathy/compassion can be every bit as harmful to wise judgement for any society.

Plenty of smart people I used to respect turned out to be Ford supporters.
Plenty of selfish people are Ford and Trump supporters. Me, me, me. They think people should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get rich and not depend on the public purse. They think everyone else gets in their way. They're not generally good at long term thinking or critical thinking. They tend to be hypocritical -- they are against (or for) something until it affects them directly, and then suddenly it's different because it's about them.
The really worrisome thing about Ford/Trump ilk supporters, and Alvin alluded to this earlier albeit I don't have the reference handy, is that they're resting on their core supporters who, no matter what happens that would cue a logical mind's questioning, continue to support them no-matter-what is said or done.

There are questions as to whether Trump's real core support is 30%. I have no reference at this time, but that is being alluded to by even Republicans of late. Is it the same for Ford's "core" support? I suspect so, but I guess we're going to find out.

Related to this examination of 'knee-jerk populism', things are slowly turning to the bright side in Blighty:

And Wynne's poll fortunes appear to be improving too. There might yet be room for a third candidate for Mayor.
My Point is with Ford capturing 25% of the vote at min and Tory with his centre right and centrist base of 30-40%...

A left wing candidate has limited room to grow and do well with.

Lets not forget the small party candidates that take away 5-10% of the vote too..
I don't mean to get too off topic, but I wonder how many former Ford Nation people have broken away and are fine with Tory being mayor now. How many people liked Rob, but can't stand Doug and would rather see Tory get another term?
Plenty of selfish people are Ford and Trump supporters. Me, me, me. They think people should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get rich and not depend on the public purse. They think everyone else gets in their way. They're not generally good at long term thinking or critical thinking. They tend to be hypocritical -- they are against (or for) something until it affects them directly, and then suddenly it's different because it's about them.
Problem is, a good number of said supporters are inter-generationally poor and uneducated thereby in fact relying on the state for their care. This is why I referred to them as self-defeating and idiots.
Problem is, a good number of said supporters are inter-generationally poor and uneducated thereby in fact relying on the state for their care. This is why I referred to them as self-defeating and idiots.

[sic] Obamacare vs. ACA


The really worrisome thing about Ford/Trump ilk supporters, and Alvin alluded to this earlier albeit I don't have the reference handy, is that they're resting on their core supporters who, no matter what happens that would cue a logical mind's questioning, continue to support them no-matter-what is said or done.

It is worrisome - because the onus on electing a stable leader falls onto the rest of the electorate that are otherwise inclined to disagree but have to chose to put those natural disagreements aside, which is never a sure thing.

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lol...your gist may or may not be correct, but have you factored for *mean average*? (And I'm "not being overly mean")
Now I'm actually wondering what the mean intelligence score might be and what percentage of people fall below it. Who has done this research? Totally grant-worthy stuff here.
Yoooooo......AoD.....thanks for posting that. I lol-ed even more than after reading that 6mill tweet in yonder King Pilot thread.
I have to send that to all my friends, they'll appreciate it.
Yoooooo......AoD.....thanks for posting that. I lol-ed even more than after reading that 6mill tweet in yonder King Pilot thread.
I have to send that to all my friends, they'll appreciate it.

The self-pwn really is something. One might be inclined to lulz, except that poor decisions have impact beyond the ones making it, and the results ain't all that funny.

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You're right, the results are often anxiety-inducing....or much worse. I've had to develop a dark sense of humour to cope with depression and now find laughter in all sorts of sometimes gauche places. (Beats pills, I reckon).
I don't mean to get too off topic, but I wonder how many former Ford Nation people have broken away and are fine with Tory being mayor now. How many people liked Rob, but can't stand Doug and would rather see Tory get another term?
My guess is plenty.

Tory will benefit tremendously from incumbent advantage this year. Most people, including demographics likely to have voted for Ford, generally perceive Tory as 'having done a good enough job'.

Plenty of selfish people are Ford and Trump supporters. Me, me, me. They think people should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps and get rich and not depend on the public purse. They think everyone else gets in their way. They're not generally good at long term thinking or critical thinking. They tend to be hypocritical -- they are against (or for) something until it affects them directly, and then suddenly it's different because it's about them.

Having personally observed voters consistently vote for a populist demagogue in Venezuela throughout the 2000s, they typically are uneducated and inter-generationally poor like Mtown siad and believe what dear leader say at face-value. Say the opposition or 'x' group is to blame for all the woes of the nation while consolidating power.

Watching Trump in the United States is nothing new to me. It's Chavismo and Peronismo redux. The USA is fortunate to have a functioning constitution, so they will survive Trump, whereas Venezuela and Argentina did not survive Chavez and Peron respectively.
Now I'm actually wondering what the mean intelligence score might be and what percentage of people fall below it. Who has done this research? Totally grant-worthy stuff here.
Given the reaction and opposition to Charles Murray, I doubt it is a research path that many researchers would consider anymore.

Always has been a touchy topic (for obvious reasons).
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My Point is with Ford capturing 25% of the vote at min and Tory with his centre right and centrist base of 30-40%...

A left wing candidate has limited room to grow and do well with.

Lets not forget the small party candidates that take away 5-10% of the vote too..

Given the nature of the Ford base (and how it's voted in other levels of government): with the right kind of candidate with the right kind of message, how possible is it for any of *that* to break off to a "left" candidate? Despite present "base is solid" indicators, it's still not out of the question that tired-goods Doug could wind up as a third-place also-ran...
