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I think they just want to create a narrative that he has competition, as it is looking like a landslide election result at this point.
Well, why not. Tooker Gomberg was treated thusly in the 2000 race vs Lastman. And Carolann Wright got similar bottom-feeder buzz vs Eggleton in 1988. There's always magnetism attached to a lefty opponent to an otherwise unassailable centre-right standard-bearer...
Twattle by SAL for the non-leftist out there...

LEVY: Just what this city needs...three more leftist councillors!

The leftist appetite to bolster their control over Toronto Council couldn’t have been more obvious than earlier this past week.

The doors had barely opened to Nomination Central at City Hall May 1 when we saw NDP Den Mothers — Joe Cressy and former Toronto mayor Barbara Hall — fluttering over the newest recruits to the City Hall Red Army, current leftist Toronto school trustees Ausma Malik and Chris Moise.

Malik and Moise, part of a movement called Progress Toronto, have set their sights on two new downtown wards created as a result of the 2016 highly skewed $819,000 consultant study called a Ward Boundary Review...
It being SAL, perhaps we should have allocated wards on the basis of number of cars.


Maybe SAL would rather have it based on how the PC's selected (not elected) their leader, Doug Ford. From link:
The vote was weighted so that each of the province's ridings that has more than 100 votes cast are allocated 100 electoral votes; ridings in which fewer than 100 party members vote were weighted, but instead had the votes counted as individual votes. The lowest-ranked candidate were dropped from the next round as ballots are counted, and the first candidate to get 50 per cent of the votes was declared the new leader.

Candidates must be nominated by at least 100 party members, must agree to abide by the party's existing platform for the next election, and must be approved by the party's nominations committee as a PC candidate for the 2018 provincial election
"City Hall Red Army"? Are there any commies up in that place, currently?
I believe among city councilors only Paula Fletcher is a self proclaimed communist (or was in her younger days anyway). Though today she affiliates with NDP, and operates day-to-day as a run of the mill city councilor.

Language from SAL like that isn't helpful to her cause. Granted, her audience is Sun readers, so maybe it would be more correct to define her cause as populism rather than conservativism.
I believe among city councilors only Paula Fletcher is a self proclaimed communist (or was in her younger days anyway). Though today she affiliates with NDP, and operates day-to-day as a run of the mill city councilor.

Just one? Ok, good, we're safe then.

Language from SAL like that isn't helpful to her cause. Granted, her audience is Sun readers, so maybe it would be more correct to define her cause as populism rather than conservativism.

I would consider her cause to be foaming-at-the-mouth-ism but I'm no expert.

I kind of want to meet her. She carries on as someone who is never happy might. I want to know if she's always upset to the point of making up stories about commies and whatever else.

Like....what's that lady's actual issue? (psychological, obviously)
Kevin Clarke, the peoples' candidate, hasn't registered yet.

I'm actually worried about him. In a sort of I-don't-know-him-personally-but-am-familiar-with-him sort of way. I used to see that man in the streets all the time and have talked to him before but I haven't seen him now in a good two or three years.
