News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 02, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
 5.3K     0 

Whether it is enforced or not, the bylaw seems overly harsh. You are exposing yourself to the whims of bylaw enforcement.
I think you are being overly zealous - the City were trying to note the essence of by-law prohibitions and unless one wants a sign the size of a soccer pitch it is not reasonable to expect 100% of the details being covered. I doubt ANY reasonable person would say that two or 3 people playing frisbee was a problem and most by-law inspectors are pretty reasonable and have FAR better things to do. In any case I doubt that 2 or 3 peo=ople would constitute an "organized" activity. Unless you can produce a case of someone being cautioned or fined I think it's time to move on!

The Code reads, in full:

608-17. Organized sports or activities. While in a park, no person shall:
A. Arrange or engage in an organized sport or activity, unless authorized by permit;
B. Interfere with an organized sport or activity authorized by permit; or
C. Utilize a designated area without a permit where it is posted to prohibit or restrict such use.
Assuming people aren't going to lawyer the signs, it seems to be unnecessarily chilling on use of the park. I guess people tend to go by the norms in play rather than signed rules, so if you see others casually using the park in this way you might be inclined to do the same regardless of what the sign says.
Assuming people aren't going to lawyer the signs, it seems to be unnecessarily chilling on use of the park. I guess people tend to go by the norms in play rather than signed rules, so if you see others casually using the park in this way you might be inclined to do the same regardless of what the sign says.
You will be glad to know that Blog reports it will be removed, or re-written..

"But it looks like everyone can hold back on the outrage, as the city's Forestry and Recreation and Municipal Licencing and Standards confirmed to blogTO on Monday afternoon that the sign will be removed.

"We thank those that brought this sign to our attention," the city representative says. "With more than 1,500 parks across the city and even more park signs, from time to time we come across signs that require updating or improvements. We can confirm this sign will be removed and replaced."
Something coming tomorrow that will seemingly be infrastructure related.

Not big enough to merit the Premier..........

But 2 ministers and the Mayor:

Over in the Crosstown thread there was some musing about the need to raise property taxes in order to properly fund City services/capital needs.

I replied to that by showing how much revenue would be generated if the City raised property taxes to near the GTA median rates.

That post can be found here:

Rather than take that thread too far off course, I decided to move a part 2 over to this thread.

This is not a manifesto in any way, but a rough outline of what the City could do with an additional 2.7B per year.


Eliminate most Recreation User Fees: 200M

Implement fare capping for TTC at 40 rides, lower base fare to $3; offset by eliminating low-income pass (new price is same or less as low-income pass): ~300M
Start TTC subway service at 7am on Sundays: ~30M
Boost overnight TTC Services (5-10 new routes, increased frequency) : ~40M
Boost TTC service to reduce crowding: ~130M per year

Provide additional rent supplements or equivalent in housing units to move people out of shelters:

(assumption $1,700 per month, x 12 months = ~$20,000 per person, x 10,000 people (approximate shelter population), ~ 200M )

Total Cost of above: 900M
Error Margin to be safe, 20% - Total allowance 1.2B
Remaining money 1.5B.


Apply 200M remaining to operating budget:

- 20M street cleaning
- 20M routine parks maintance
- 20M ravine strategy
- Streetscaping/Public realm 40M per year excluding grand projects
- Enhanced residual shelter services ~10M
- Additional public washrooms operation on TTC and in Parks ~ 20M
- Additional milling of pavement/routine maintenance of roads - 20M
- Better social service outreach/lower case loads for workers, targeting linking people to existing supports, getting a family doctor, removing barriers to employment ~ 50M


Transfer 1.3B to capital budget. Read as 13B over 10 year capital plan

- 1.2B Platform Edge Doors for TTC
- 100M Additional washrooms TTC
- 100M for winterized transit stops (heating shelters, snow melt systems under sidewalks)
- Station revitalization (new, quality finishes, 100M per station x 10 Stations) 1B
- Finch West LRT Extension - (40% of cost charged to 10-year plan) ~ 1.5B
- Line 2 Extension (40% of cost charged to 10 year plan) ~2.5B
- University Park 1B
- Purchase 2 privately owned golf courses for new parkland (retain golf as public on smaller footprint), add trails, nature and local needs. ~ 550M (includes development)
- New Waterfront Parkland in Scarborough and Etobicoke - 800M ( 300 houses x 2 M each, plus 200M development cost)
- New road crossings of 401/400/404 to reduce connectivity barriers - 800M for 4 crossings, 400M to upgrade existing crossings w/cycle tracks, safety and aesthetic improvements
- Parks SOGR Backlog 500M

Total 10.45B - I still have another 3B left if anyone wants to add their pet projects..... LOL

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"Formula E sets its sights on Toronto"? 😲 Are they targeting us to be their next dupes, after Montreal a few years ago?..
Monorail! Monorail! Monorail!
Edit (27 Apr 2021) : Apparently it is Vancouver, not Toronto ...
And now:
Plug pulled on electric car race
Vancouver city hall and promoter announce cancellation ...
suppliers and venues were beginning to report non-payment...
"we are no longer supporting OSS Group (event producers) ... due to OSS' breach of contract”
Today, Mayor John Tory and Matthew Pegg, Toronto Fire Services Chief and General Manager unveiled Toronto’s newest piece of specialized firefighting and rescue equipment the Bronto Skylift 70m articulated aerial unit, nicknamed “Tower 1.”

Tower 1 is the tallest firefighting apparatus in North America and, at full extension, the aerial platform will reach an elevation of 70 metres, or 230 feet, from the ground to the base of platform, which is approximately 22 storeys high. Tower 1 reaches double the height of Toronto’s next tallest aerial apparatus that can reach 11 storeys. The new apparatus will provide Toronto Fire Services with much-needed operational versatility and extra protection in a “vertical city” that is expected to continue to grow in height and density over the coming decades.

A recent report by international consultancy firm Rider Levett Bucknall (RLB) found that Toronto has the most active construction cranes among 14 major cities in North America, having led the crane count since 2015. The number of fixed cranes on construction sites increased 21 per cent in the first quarter of 2022, with increases seen in commercial, residential and mixed-use projects.

The truck will be stationed downtown at 339 Queens Quay W., (UPDATE: This news release has been updated to reflect that the truck will be stationed downtown at 207 Front St. E.) where there is the greatest density of high rises, but can be redeployed where needed to help with fighting fires, search and rescue, industrial emergencies, rope rescues such as at the Scarborough Bluffs and more. Specialized training of staff is underway.

Tower 1 will also provide Toronto firefighters with an unparalleled ability to get above and over top of buildings and to work around overhead obstructions that are common in the high-density urban areas of Toronto.

The high volume, master stream nozzle at the end of the platform is capable of flowing up to 3,800 litres of water per minute, providing crews with enhanced aerial firefighting capabilities.
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Every few months, the Toronto Parking Authority is discussed here. The following is from a Report coming to their Audit Committee this week. (SEE: )

"Toronto Parking Authority is North America's largest municipal operator of public parking. Toronto Parking Authority is unique from most City Agencies in that it fully funds its operations from revenues. It also contributes significant amounts to the City's general revenues. Based on the current Net Income Sharing Agreement, Toronto Parking Authority remits to the City 85 percent of its net annual income and since 2002 has contributed more than $1.3 billion to the City of Toronto to fund other municipal services and programs, including, affordable housing, transit and parks development."

Throughout the pandemic, Toronto Parking Authority has aggressively managed its head count, operating expenses and capital spending to maintain its cash reserves. In fact, the Toronto Parking Authority delivered positive net income throughout the pandemic with over $19.7 million provided to the City of Toronto in 2021; virtually unheard of in the transportation sector. In addition, Toronto Parking Authority's Bike Share program achieved record ridership numbers in 2021 while squarely positioning itself as the trusted executional arm responsible for delivering the public network of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure that will contribute to meeting the City's TransformTO policy objectives."
The motion to allow drinking in parks was shot down by Tory, who put out his own motion to request a staff report on the matter before any decision is made, and it is to be delivered in the fall. Essentially, he has kicked the proverbial beer can down the road another whole year, post-election.

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The motion to allow drinking in parks was shot down by Tory, who put out his own motion to request a staff report on the matter before any decision is made, and it is to be delivered in the fall. So essentially he has kicked the can down the road another whole year, post-election.

I'm angry with most of the left on this too. Gord Perks, for example, was trying to get Dr. DeVilla to say that she was concerned about drinking beer, cider, or wine in parks from a public health standpoint. This is coming from an affluent homeowner who is also known for his pack-a-day smoking habit. Perks defended DeVilla two years ago when she didn't want to open streets up for safe outdoor activity because she didn't want to encourage anyone to get outside and actually enjoy it.

In the next election, I'm not sure if I'd rather have Tory-friendly Siri Agrell in office or Perks, who has become increasingly insufferable, but is at least a strong Tory critic most of the time.
