Budget 2024
Family, Social Supports and Housing
Housing affordability is a top priority of the government. In line with Stronger
Foundations — Alberta’s 10-year strategy to improve and expand affordable
housing supply and housing supports, the 2024 Capital Plan allocates
$829 million over three years — an increase of $355 million, or 75 per cent,
from Budget 2023 — to fund projects that enhance affordable housing and
social supports in various locations around the province. Together with CMR
funding, almost $1 billion is being allocated to seniors’ facilities and housing.
Key projects supported include:
$405 million, including $75 million in new funding, for the Affordable
Housing Partnership Program, to support the goal to create 13,000
affordable housing units.
$130 million, including $125 million in new funding, for the Seniors Lodge
Modernization Program to ensure lodges continue to be a viable housing
option for Alberta seniors.
$91 million for the Affordable Housing Strategy, to fund the maintenance
of government-owned social housing buildings.
$75 million for the Indigenous Housing Capital Program, including
$30 million in new funding to Indigenous communities to construct,
purchase, or redevelop housing for Indigenous peoples in need.