How did they sort it out?
I'm still loathe to reveal too much, and I'll be a lot clearer later today as to what to divulge or not. They were so incredibly helpful and dedicated to 'doing what's right' that they went beyond 'the norms'...which all concerned should commend, but some supervisor, most likely on the Presto side of the operation, might make life difficult for them. I still have a responsibility to pursue this at the highest level as the system is faulty at the top. It may in fact be Accenture's shortcoming. And another possibility: A fault in the fabric of the software that if a seemingly innocuous function is written into the algorithms, it opens a massive door that can be exploited.
But then one wonders, how do banks and other financial transaction institutions not have these kinds of problems?
They also came up with a simple fix for my second card, which was showing "Block Event" yesterday. It is now up-to-date online, ostensibly that's the 48 hr lag. I hadn't used it for about a year prior to the broken card breaking. Whether it complicates again or not, as long as the card itself shows the current and correct balance, I can get a refund at any service wicket. I've considered that, but doing so might entail their 4% surcharge, and the loss of the value of the card ($6), so I've decided to run down the balance by using it until there's roughly $15 left on it, and then keep that for visitors to use come the Summer.
What I will divulge at this point (and I will have a lot more to reveal later, just want to make sure I don't lay too many cards on the table at this time if I'm pursuing this higher-up, these strings are sometimes reviewed by ML staff) is that lower GO staff have tried all sorts of fixes by entering what should be corrective inputs to their software terminals, and have never had success doing a workaround within the software itself. They are resigned at this time to having to do a logic hack manually to 'trick' the process.
The workaround entails *not* registering the new card, adding value, or tapping on with it until the system updates. I'm still not completely clear on whether to register it once it assumes the identity of the prior card (In any software system I'm aware of, the card number can be reassigned to an account number, or vice-versa, when a replacement card is issued. Banks do this all the time).
I'll give it another day or so before using it, that card identity is now no longer showing on-line, my oldest card now current again is, so if the online account starts showing two cards again, I'll know that the registration has been carried over to the newest card. I'll update that info later.
There's a couple more details I'm withholding for now, I was treated very well as if it was a bank valuing the account holder.
Here's the automated email notification for the status of the broken card (which of course they kept, and gave me a photocopy of, along with the new card together):
(X is theirs, Z is my redaction)
Dear stephen ZZZ
Your ZZZZXXXXXZZZZZZZZ PRESTO card has been cancelled.
If you did not request this cancellation, please contact the PRESTO Contact Centre by calling the number provided below.
Please be aware it takes 24 hours for your card to be cancelled throughout the PRESTO system. You will be responsible for any travel charges incurred during this 24 hour period.
You can order a replacement card by signing into your PRESTO account or purchase a new card in person. Ensure that you add enough money to your replacement card to travel during the transfer process, do not register the replacement card and do not add any type of Transit Pass.
You can initiate a balance transfer online. Tap on a PRESTO device within 30 days to update the card with the transferred information.
If you have Autorenew, it will not transfer over to your new card if it is six (6) calendar days prior to end of month. Please ensure you re-establish your Autorenew feature online.
If you choose not to replace your PRESTO card, please visit for details on the PRESTO System Refund Policy.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us on our toll free number at
1-877-378-6123 or visit our website at
Thank you for using PRESTO.
I note by reading that again that "do not register" is the standard protocol procedure.
I had asked about transferring funds from a third card onto the new one, that can't be done within the limits of the software as written. Just one transfer and the option is locked.
Where were you keeping your card that broke?
In all fairness, the card had endured thousands of kilometers cycling in my back pocket (I wear cut-off jeans over my cycling shorts for no other reason than to carry keys, some paper cash and my Presto card. The padded shorts are a necessity for doing 100 km trips, too bad the cycling world is so freakin' vain that they can't include a pocket on them for immediate necessities) although ironically, that wasn't the prime cause of failure, even if it did fatigue the resilience of the plastic's integrity. It was the bitter cold causing the plastic to be brittle. That was the straw that snapped the frozen camel's back. Needless to say, I don't cycle this time of year.