A rare streetcar fare inspection yesterday. This time it was by plain clothes inspectors who had these TV cop show style police badges on chains they flashed at everyone when they got on. It was hard not to burst out laughing. The inspector took my pass and sighed, telling me, "just to let you know, I see you have a pass, but if you tap on it would help make my inspection faster as the first screen shows you haven't tapped in four days." I responded "I'll try to remember that." Note, it took him approximately an extra two seconds to check that I did indeed have a pass. He had clearly memorised the finger-swipe entry for this process and did it instantly.
Here's an idea TTC. Upgrade your crappy inspection app that doesn't show or check all necessary data and stop humiliating your inspection staff making them beg for me to tap on because two seconds is actually a detriment to their work and someone who didn't pay probably bailed out of the streetcar in that time.