I thought the GO numbers in TBM were very rosy were they not?
...and just to kick the dead horse again:
Cost to complete Sheppard as subway today: $4,700,000,000
Assume annual ridership doubles from 16 million to 32 million immediately...
Using the same useless formula, that's $147 per "passenger".
Not that I agree with the usefulness of the given metric.
I had to pull the GO numbers from 2 different documents, because they didn't have the ridership projections and the cost estimates in the same one.
And yes, the Sheppard Subway has a very high per passenger cost, which is why building it isn't a very good idea.
And I don't think it's a useless metric. It gives a very good indication of how many people are benefitting from a given investment. A more accurate metric would be cost per person per km, but it gives a good general indication of how cost-effectively our transit dollars are being used. Why would we spend $1 billion dollars in 1 area to get 15 million riders per year when we can spend that same $1 billion in another area and get 40 million riders per year? Is the latter not a wiser investment?