If you note, I said TORONTO raising taxes to compensate GO for lost revenue, I did not say GTHA.
It would be a TTC proposal and would not have to be approved by any jurisdiction except Toronto as it would be Toronto taxes paying for the GO service. If other municipalities wanted to do the same ie Miss, then god bless em.
I also would not agree with a premium fare for the service as Torontonians will already be paying for the full cost of the GO train/bus revenue so they shouldn't have to pay again. Let's face it, it would not be the transit users who are paying for most of the cost but car users in the form of gas taxes, parking levies, and city vehicle taxes. I think most, including car owners, would strongly support the idea if the cost of their GO train just went for expensive to free with a Metropass.
Again, where are the petitions and lobbying for such a win-able and win-win proposal? This is not some vague promise which most of the city dwellers won't be realized within their lifetimes but something that could be taken to the electorate as instant proof of how their increased taxes and levies will improve their commute immediately.
Despite being a non-Torontonian I actually called Metrolinx planning to find out why this had not been done and he said he was a great idea. He said it would not have to be a GTHA proposal but just a Toronto one. He even admitted that GO is of relatively little use to most in the city as it is geared towards the 915. When I made the example of why someone would pay $7 {TTC and GO} to get from Union to Bloor he replied with "no one in their right mind".. He thought it quite logical and easily doable as long as it meant no lost revenue for GO and he will look at it and get back to me.
The reason I care is because Toronto is my favorite Canadian city and it grieves me when I go back and the system is exactly the same as it was when I was in university in the late 80s save the stubway. He also agreed there would not require any form of enviornmental revue or even endless community consultation as it would be exactly the same as it is today, just the fare structure would change. This is an idea that would mean a lot to all Torontonians and every sector of the city would see immediate and much saving time in their daily commutes in, quite literally, the stroke of a pen.
What exactly are Torontonians, and the people on this forum, doing to make this a reality or is this forum nothing more than a Toronto transit bitch session and not a forum to turn ideas into reality?