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Yes, because if eveyone loved unconditionally and treated others as you would like to be treated yourself, the world would just be an awful place. :rolleyes:

please familiarize your self with your holy book but do so at your own risk.

The parts of the Bible that I think you are referring to, were compiled by Christian scholars a century and a half after Jesus' death.

Those scholars were people, nothing more with their own set of corruption and special interests. Just like how I see today's Pope and his politics.

And the statement above, which summarizes my personal faith, I doubt very much would lead to the apocalypse.

The parts of the Bible that I think you are referring to, were compiled by Christian scholars a century and a half after Jesus' death.

Those scholars were people, nothing more with their own set of corruption and special interests. Just like how I see today's Pope and his politics.

And the statement above, which summarizes my personal faith, I doubt very much would lead to the apocalypse.

i'm not referring to parts, i'm referring to the bible. it's amazing that by looking at the good passages, people can overlook all the bad ones.

"do onto others...." "....stone them to death!" :confused::confused::confused:

your personal faith is just that; personal. and i wish people would keep it at just that; personal.

will we get school boards devoted to celestial teapots? they could exist too you know!
as I said before and I think others would agree that separation of Church and State is vital for the both to function.

My tax money shouldn't be going to a school board that pushes its own agenda. You're right faith should be personal thing. Church is for church, school is for school.

And I don't recall the part about stoning people to death in the Bible, but I do remember Jesus preaching against that sort of punishment: "Let ye who is without sin cast the first stone," and all that jazz.

I didn't mean for it to get this far. I was just rebutting an argument that the church was filled with hate. I was just sharing my own experiences.
And I don't recall the part about stoning people to death in the Bible, but I do remember Jesus preaching against that sort of punishment: "Let ye who is without sin cast the first stone," and all that jazz.

Deuteronomy 21:18-21

21:18 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:
21:19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;
21:20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard.
21:21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

need more examples?
I view the much of the old testament as little more than the mythology of the Jewish people.

The reason stated by God that Jesus came down was to right the wrongs of the old life. The fact that he contradicts that passage about stoning, (which was written about 1000 years before his time) means that he (thus Christians as well) condems the practice.

The Catholic church is one of the world biggest opponents to capital punishment out there. They many be very wrong on many things, but I agree with them here.
I view the much of the old testament as little more than the mythology of the Jewish people.

The reason stated by God that Jesus came down was to right the wrongs of the old life. The fact that he contradicts that passage about stoning, (which was written about 1000 years before his time) means that he (thus Christians as well) condems the practice.

The Catholic church is one of the world biggest opponents to capital punishment out there. They many be very wrong on many things, but I agree with them here.

i view much the new testament as the mythology of the christian people.

so the old testament is null and void? why is it then that soo many christian theists keep referring to it on issues of morality? and as bad as the old testament is (advocating punishment in this life) the new testament is far worse (advocating eternal punishment).

The Catholic church is one of the world biggest opponents to capital punishment out there.

most criminals are.
I view the much of the old testament as little more than the mythology of the Jewish people.

The reason stated by God that Jesus came down was to right the wrongs of the old life. The fact that he contradicts that passage about stoning, (which was written about 1000 years before his time) means that he (thus Christians as well) condems the practice.

i think it was divine intervention that i was reading this comic strip tonight...
I don't know why theists would consult it that way.
Again these are just my personal views: the ones who hold views of eternal punishment and hate do not speak for me in the slightest.

Most criminals are

According to gospel, criminals can be forgiven and improved. Maybe one day the church will be more progressive and live up to its name and be... holy.
I don't know why theists would consult it that way.
Again these are just my personal views: the ones who hold views of eternal punishment and hate do not speak for me in the slightest.

i used to be a liberal catholic. it honestly hurts to debate you because i'm reminded of how i used to think. i just want to say to you that you don't have to be coerced into being moral, belong to something or worship, love & fear a deity. you can do it all on your own; being moral that is.

For some reason I can't view the image.

Could you post a link?

i guess they don't allow hot linking. check those posts again for the link.
Yes, because if eveyone loved unconditionally and treated others as you would like to be treated yourself, the world would just be an awful place. :rolleyes:
You might want to read up on the parts of the Bible that tell you to kill anyone who worships the wrong god, then burn their city to the ground, then murder everyone who lives there. Or the parts where God orders the genocide of entire civilizations. Or even the parts that approve of slavery and rape. And it's not only the Old Testament, Jesus himself said a lot of quesionable things too.

You're right that what you described is your personal faith, but your personal faith has little to do with biblical teachings. Or at the very least you ignore a large portion of the Bible. Even the ideal of treating people how you'd like to be treated isn't a Christian, or even religious, concept. It's the basic requirement for any human culture to survive, religious or not. You don't need a thousand pages of scripture and mythology to get that message across.

Some questions I've never been able to find the answers to: if the New Testament invalidates the Old Testament, why does the Old Testament exist? If the core message of the Bible can be boiled down to Jesus's teachings and the golden rule, why all the filler? Why defend a book that contains so much irrelevant and inaccurate information?
I view the much of the old testament as little more than the mythology of the Jewish people.

I've always viewed the new testament as little more than the mythology of the christian people.
Time to bust out the infamous Bible warning sticker:

