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Remind me - was that before or after you accused me of being a Nazi?

Yeah...that was around the time you told me I dont belong in this neighbourhood. Thats sounds very nazi-like to me.

I thought we going to remain on topic?
Yeah...that was around the time you told me I dont belong in this neighbourhood. Thats sounds very nazi-like to me.
I never said you didn't belong in this neighbourhood? Why are you making these things up. My exact words were, when you complained that 6¢ of your tax money was going to a cause you didn't believe in "Sounds like a lot of right-wing whinging to me ... which is odd for someone in a left-wing enclave!"How can you possibly relate me noting your whinging to saying you don't belong in this neighbourhood? And how you turn that into Nazi-like is beyond me. Surely Nazis are further to the right of you, not further to the left.

What is this Nazi obssession of yours ... you seem to keep raising it?

I thought we going to remain on topic?
Why would I want to remain on topic? I'm just a Nazi who lives in my mum's basement! :)
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So you want to continue to flame arguments? Let it go man, let the voters decide the fate of Miller.
So you want to continue to flame arguments?
I'd prefer gassing myself.

Yes, I'm going to flame you. That's what you deserve, when you start accusing people of being Nazis the first time they disagree with you. And with the constant exageration of yours.
And you had no part in that conversation, where you questioned why I live where I live?

Stop the pettiness, and stay on topic.
And you had no part in that conversation, where you questioned why I live where I live?
I didn't question why you lived where you lived. I just expressed surprise.

Stop the pettiness, and stay on topic.
But the topic you established is that I'm a Nazi. A Miller-supporting, left-wing Nazi. That lives in my Mum's basement.
Nazi's are actually more right then left in the general meaning of the terms.

I didnt accuse you of anything. If you want to support MIller, then be my guest. No one thinks anything less then you. If anything we feel pity.
Nazi's are actually more right then left in the general meaning of the terms.
Hence the absurdity of your suggestions.

If you want to support MIller, then be my guest. ... If anything we feel pity.
We? What, the we that is the majority of the city that supported him? Of course, his support was even higher here in Ward 32; and his trusted lieutenant Bussin got 70% of the vote.

Besides, why pity me, I'm having a Nazi orgy in my basement, with my mother! ROTLMAO
Tell that to Ross Hammond's widow. Tell that to the hundreds of thousands spent employing people to do a census on the homeless. Tell that to the 250k a year this city spends on giving free cigarettes and free wine to the homeless.

He didn't say 'homeless', he said 'beggars', and there HAS been a marked decline in panhandling downtown.

Besides, you seem to be insinuating that the city shouldn't spend money on the homeless. I don't see how you can deal with homelessness without spending money on it -- which would include programs that measure levels of homelessness in the city (the census) and provide services for those with dangerous addictions --, unless you're a eugenicist. Or a nazi. (Just kidding!)
He didn't say 'homeless', he said 'beggars', and there HAS been a marked decline in panhandling downtown.

Besides, you seem to be insinuating that the city shouldn't spend money on the homeless. I don't see how you can deal with homelessness without spending money on it -- which would include programs that measure levels of homelessness in the city (the census) and provide services for those with dangerous addictions --, unless you're a eugenicist. Or a nazi. (Just kidding!)

Ross Hammond, was killed by beggars. 4 aggresive beggars, 3 of whom were 'freelance beggars' from the US. Marked decline???? Maybe around Natha Phillips only, because of the ban. Its boomed everywhere else. We even have beggars on the B/D subway line as of late.

Spending money is one thing. Pandering to them with a quarter million on cigarettes and wine for example is another thing. Has anyone asked how many shelters Mississauga or the rest of the GTA have created lately? Why is there this acceptance that Toronto has to shoulder this responsability alone?
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and his trusted lieutenant Bussin got 70% of the vote.

LOL Bussin. You mean the councillor/speaker who uses her office budget to sponse local sport teams so she inturn gets free promotion on their jersey; aka "Bussin's such and such".

The Sun reports on her shinanigans so frequently that city hall had to ban the practice of using office budgets to sponsor local teams. If she wants to gain publiciity she can do it on her own dime, and stop making it harder for incumbents in this riding.
Ross Hammond, was killed by beggars. 4 aggresive beggars, 3 of whom were 'freelance beggars' from the US. Marked decline???? Maybe around Natha Phillips only, because of the ban. Its boomed everywhere else. We even have beggars on the B/D subway line as of late.

Spending money is one thing. Pandering to them with a quarter million on cigarettes and wine for example is another thing. Has anyone asked how many shelters Mississauga or the rest of the GTA have created lately? Why is there this acceptance that Toronto has to shoulder this responsability alone?

I remember the Hammond story. It's a tragic story but hardly one that's part of any kind of epidemic. The city has ramped up their aggressive panhandler strategy beginning in 2007 and I along with others have definitely noticed a difference. There's no evidence that panhandling is 'booming' in this city.

As far as your 'quarter million on cigarettes and wine' line, can I get some back-up on that? I did a google search and all I could find were right wing blogs and media comment pages railing about Miller's communist reign of terror.

Regardless, providing quantities of alcohol to chronic alcoholics isn't a frivolous waste of money -- it's a life-saving strategy. Hospitals do it too.
It just goes to show you that Miller's support is in the extreme left wing, pro-welfare crowd. Any homewoner who is still supportive of this guy should really give his head a check. We all saved hard and made sacrifices to buy our homes, ie...every cent counts, and then we see this Mayor splurge and splurge and spluge. Does TO even need a budget that HUGE??? Its increased every year in record amounts under Miller.

Is the Mayor splurging? It sure doesn't seem like it.

No one likes tax hikes. That's really besides the point though. The tax hikes, as hated as they are, are a necessity.

I can care lesss about Lastman. His tenure isnt part of this discussion. I care about how the current administration has run this city to the ground.

But you should care. His tax freeze policy was popular, but unwise; he kept them artificially low.

If Lastman had run the city responsibly the kind of tax hikes Miller has had to implement wouldn't be necessary.
Its boomed everywhere else. We even have beggars on the B/D subway line as of late.
Seems to be a lot less everywhere, than I remember 10, 15, 20, and even 25-years ago.

But you seem to see things most people don't see. Like hoards of people who are anti-Bussin or anti-Miller. My gosh, that's your complaint about Bussin, that she supports local sports teams? ROTFL!

Perhaps you haven't noticed, but your living in one of the most left-wing parts of the city. Heck, the Tories are so hard-up here, they couldn't even find a candidate who wanted to run in the last election, and even had to go way outside of Toronto to get someone to put their name on the ballot.

And the Nazis are having trouble finding candidates too ... trust me, I know. The secret headquarters is just beyond the hidden door in my basement.
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