I just received this email yesterday from the Avonmore community league. A single lot on the S/W corner of 83 St & 76Ave is up for rezoning to RA7. I live a block to the East and I look forward to seeing what they propose, hopefully, decent quality/size.
"Notice of Proposed Land Use Change
The City has informed the League that there is a proposed land use change application related to Avonmore and they are looking for feedback from the community. I encourage you to read the material listed below and to send your comments to: City of Edmonton Planning Department
andrew.mclellan@edmonton.ca and/or to Councillor Mike Nickel
mike.nickel@edmonton.ca. I would appreciate being copied on your response so we can summarize these comments in a response that will be submitted by the League. Comments that have the most impact are those that include specific details about how you think the proposed change will impact you and your way of life either positively or negatively.
The application has been made to rezone the lot at 8311 76 Ave (lot with yellow house on the south west side of the intersection ) from RF1 Single Detached Residential to RA7 Low Rise Apartment Zone. A description of what is included in RA7 can be found at on
https://webdocs.edmonton.ca/zoningb...dential/210_(RA7)_Low_Rise_Apartment_Zone.htm. You may want to review the
Southeast Area Plan which applies to Avonmore as well as the more recently Council approved
Transit Oriented Development Guidelines which provide suggestions about what type of development is appropriate within 400 m of LRT stations, like this one will be.
There will also be a public hearing on the proposed changes at a future date.
Thank you for being a community supporter and I look forward to “seeing” you at the AGM."