Active Member
Wrong forum brotha, believe you want the Calgary Skyrise
Whoops, my apologies for that! Had a brainfart there. I deleted the post.
Wrong forum brotha, believe you want the Calgary Skyrise
I'm so excited to hear about what's happening with this site. It has potential to be one of the coolest developments in the city depending on how its done imo.
View attachment 541043The new storage facility? On 116th north of unity square. Sorry for the poor image quality, but I’m kind of loving the outrageous scale of this for that spot if that steel is in fact going to be the buildings outline
I believe there was a proposal for around here actually. Can’t remember where more info is though at 116st and 103Aave demoed yesterday. Anybody know what the plans are for this location?,-113.5212664,3a,75y,46.91h,80.07t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sMr2Kv8VwQAKkW8ZE4yZDYw!2e0!6s!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu