Urban Shocker, Yonderbeam, Anna, thanks for the keen eyes and the correction. Oy.
Pity that people tend to remove the older/original lettering or company names but I suppose it's almost inevitable.
I know what you're saying, but I think that in the end, the exact opposite is true. If you leave old signs intact, than you wind up with the hipster effect of buildings that have signs that say one thing and do the other. The old sign remains as a fossilized, ironic trophy of the past, while something else entirely occupies the building.
And that, to me, isn't totally respectful of the past, or of the building. A building is a living thing, and its at its best when its inhabited and maintained and well looked-after and alive with the energy of today. The past needs to be cherished and honoured, but fixing it in place doesn't honour a building's previous self any more than botoxing the snot out of your face honours your own past.
(Edit: all that said, some signage is too awesome to part with. Would I ever remove the signage on the 'MONO LINO TYPESETTING' building on Dupont? Never in a million years!)
What ever did happen to the spiral iron staircase that went from the third floor
to the roof of the Masey-Harris building? I know that it was not trashed.
While on the above subject, I am also interested in what was the final resting place
of the flywheel for the Corliss steam engine fire pump just west of building 19?
'mustapha' posted this photo on Jan/9 but was unable to get a high angle for the 'Now' version.
I asked a friend, who has access to Osgoode Hall, to take a photo for me.
Here's the result:
Who, among us, remembers when Captain John had two ships?
I think this photo is c.1980
In 1970, not only did he have only one ship, he hadn't yet recieved his liquor licence!
The reek of rotting dead fish from the harbour however, was a plus. (LOL)
In 1970, not only did he have only one ship, he hadn't yet recieved his liquor licence!(LOL)
Then: Huron Street Public School. Huron street, just north of Bloor.
Now: November 2009.