The City Archives has several Files on this - whether any contain photos I do not know. You will need to go to look. These two look 'possible'.I have looked through this forum to find a place where I might be able to ask a question, but I can't find anything that is obvious. So I will ask here. Is there a way to obtain photos of the interior of Shoppers World Danforth between 1987 and 1989?
Does anyone remember a video game story called "Media Shack" in Shoppers World Danforth?
I know this may now be the place to ask, but they don't let new members start a thread and there is no obvious place to post questions.
Working drawings for project #6222 - proposed store for Danforth Fabrics store no. 43 for Shoppers' World (Danforth Ltd.)
Archival citation:
Fonds 243, Series 1018, File 467
General - 02001 Re-Development of Shoppers World Danforth Plaza
Archival citation:
Fonds 200, Series 1618, File 1688