Active Member
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if the consortium considered the Link train as an option. If this Zoo maglev actually came to fruition and proved to be of value, a replacement/extension of the Link would IMO be the next logical place for such a thing.
And it's definitely interesting considering how this is like history repeating itself. The Prov's ICTS/ALRT program was also supposed to be a revolutionary and efficient transport system - with the Mk1 performing the local service function and its similar GO-ALRT cousin operating as a regional commuter service. Not certain, but I believe they were intended to share trackage for at least some sections. Although GO-ALRT died and ICTS never quite took off, the ideas and technology behind it are sound.
GO-ALRT and ICTS where two different technologies, what they had in common was GO-ALRT looked like a supersized ICTS and would share the same automation the ICTS had. But GO-ALRT spiritual successor is what GO-RER and SmartTrack will look like, minus the automation for political reasons.