Senior Member
So Iveson is not going to run next year. (Early morning twitter)
I've seen her on twitter (that's the main venue i find these things, i know she also has a website) and she looks promising. She definitely has the business acumen, and someone with her background would help promote Edmonton as pro-business; but where does she stand on non-economic issues like transit and sprawl? Cities do a lot more and juggle a lot more nebulous priorities than private business. Sprawl, lack of effective transit, and housing are huge structural issues that Edmonton needs to sort out folowing a long-term plan, a plan that may not look good at points if analyzed from a businessperson's perspective. I'm not saying she wouldn't be a champion of transit and densification they way Edmonton needs the mayor to be, but i haven't seen much of a platform on that yet. Do we know hwere she stands on some of these more municipality-specific areas?Cheryll Watson may well be the next Mayor. Extremely well spoken, unaffiliated politically, and keenly tuned into the needs of a tech economy. When I re-establish residency in the City, she will have my vote.