I'll split the difference in the above opinions.
I think we ought to lean to a light touch on moderation where possible, and permit differing views over an echo chamber, even if some offend.
However, I don't want to see this thread or any other, taken over by an endless back and forth, particularly one that verges on being OT because its more about what happened in an area 15 years than last weekend.
As someone with a degree in history, I value placing things in their context; its not as if the present or the future arrives without a backstory; but we don't serve the present or the future well by living entirely in history, or by failing to recognize its limitations.
How far back shall we go? Shall we discuss Arab-Israeli political discourse in 200 BCE? At some point one must, while being aware of the past, move forward; this particular conflict is one that is always informed by living in the past and remains unsettled both because of political expediency on both sides (serving the needs of those in power or who aspire to be) but also because of populations always thinking about the last grievance or the immediate need, and not how their grandchildren will live.
On that note, perhaps we at least get back to present day events, and the conflict on the ground. Our varied opinions on choices made last year, last decade or last century aren't really middle east news.