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I am more curious as to how the council is going to play out now that there is absolutely no downside to voting against any of the mayor's initiatives.


Honestly, AoD, you give me pause yet again. Miller's timing is sort of bad for the city, because it will allow for over a year of free-for-all behaviour by the elected idiots. I am hoping really strong candidates come forward soon, so that the jokers are watchful of their antics (having to eventually align themselves with someone).

Nothing could please me more at this time than strong mayoral candidates openly appealing to voters to actually think about city at large issues when they hire, oh, I mean vote for a councillor and mayor. The cynic in me has taught me to temper my expectations.
All I can say is...

YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

He is a good man but a man who cannot see reality.

His greatest fault, obsessing with the ideal while ignoring reality.
Smitherman's definitely going to move left now.
I have a sinking feeling you are right, which is why I almost wish Miller would run again, just to keep Smitherman more centrist.

However, that runs the risk of Miller actually getting re-elected, and that would be much worse.
I can only hope that several of the councillors will also step down, so many of them are seriously wasting our time (we ought to be able to charge them with something)... I can't say anything as nasty as this about David Miller.

From your lips to Rob Ford's ears.
What a funny thought!

Strange - Thorsell's resignation (from the ROM) hit the Globe to-day, and David Miller's statement that he will not run for re-election came to-day.

This is not a slow news day.

Affectionately speaking, Thorsell's too much of an old queen to be anything but a mayoral-race novelty item. Speaking of which, maybe Reginald Dwight can run for mayor of Caledon...
From your lips to Rob Ford's ears.

I like to check out Rob Ford's website every so often just because his running tally of Council Votes is hilarious. He is currently highlighting the fact that, in April 2008, he pushed for City Council to band together and support bringing back the death penalty.
... he pushed for City Council to band together and support bringing back the death penalty.
Good grief ... what does he recommend ... building a gallows in St. Lawrence Market? Perhaps a guillotine? How does that man ever get re-elected? He's clearly a few fruits short of a loop!
So I think we can start talking about the possibility of there being room for both Tory and Smitherman to run. Smitherman on the left, Tory on the slight right with just enough room down the middle for Michael Thompson.

I would hate for this to become another crowded competition but I think Jane Pitfield will change her mind about running for council and run for mayor again instead. We might even see another group like the Nunziata & Jacobek duo with Denzil Minnan-Wong and (pick another delusional nutcase on council) filling in that role.

I think Thompson is going to be the Miller of 2010.

... or is this finally Joe's turn? Pantalone has been waiting patiently as Deputy Mayor for nearly a decade and is a very popular councillor. I think he would carry Miller's torch in about the same direction if he ran and won.
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I think Thompson is going to be the Miller of 2010.

... or is this finally Joe's turn? Pantalone has been waiting patiently as Deputy Mayor for nearly a decade and is a very popular councillor. I think he would carry Miller's torch in about the same direction if he ran and won.

Pantalone:eek: We would have one corrupted city. Maybe Thompson, the lesser of both evils.
I never thought my respect for Sue Anne Levy could get any lower... her twitter comments and this morning's columns are some of her most insensitive remarks she's every written.

In her typical elegant prose, Levy on her twitter yesterday stated:

David Miller says his family made him quit municipal politics. Yes, his CUPE family, that is.

If you've seen images of the press conference, you can clearly see Levy standing directly next to Miller's family and his sobbing son. After campaigning for the Tories and noting in a Globe article the sacrifices politics would have on her relationship with her wife, you'd think Levy would be much more sensitive to the dilemma of serving the public while spending time with family.

This morning, Levy continues to take the high road in her Toronto Sun column, claiming that Miller took the "coward's way out." Funny, coming from a columnist who constantly lambasted Miller for his stubbornness and firm use of the Mayor's executive power. One day Miller is an overpowering dictator and the next he's a tortoise running away from a fight.

Good riddance, Levy. Enjoy your remaining fourteen months as a columnist for a tabloid rag. Oh, and cheerleading tryouts open for Mayor Tory in November 2010.
Imagine if the following people were the only ones running for mayor in November 2010:

[1] Raymond "Clueless" Cho
[2] Rob "Fat Bastard" Ford
[3] Joe "Panties" Pantalone
[4] Denzil "I Wanna Fight Adam Vaughan" Menin-Wong
[5] Pam "Poodle" McConnell
[6] Suzan "Old Fashioned" Hall

In addition to a potentially interesting race for mayor, who knows what the next council will look like, which does affect what the mayor can get done.

I don't know when Toronto wards will next be redistributed (probably after ridings are next redone), but there are some massive disparities between wards, and by next year some will literally be twice as populated as others. Ward 23 will be twice the size of wards 9, 18, or 29. Ward 42 is also very large and neighbouring wards can't really absorb its excess. Some downtown wards are also either too large or set to massively grow. Depending on which neighbourhoods end up in which ward and if sitting councillors are forced to fight each other at the polls, it could really change the face of council. But none of this matters if the wards aren't changed, so the next mayor could end up with more or less the council we have now.
... or is this finally Joe's turn? Pantalone has been waiting patiently as Deputy Mayor for nearly a decade and is a very popular councillor. I think he would carry Miller's torch in about the same direction if he ran and won.

I dunno, I don't get the impression that Pantalone's been treating Deputy Mayorship as a stepping stone to bigger stuff. He seems quite content in being an eternal local representative, thank you...
I dunno, I don't get the impression that Pantalone's been treating Deputy Mayorship as a stepping stone to bigger stuff. He seems quite content in being an eternal local representative, thank you...

^ I agree he's genuinely happy with being around his constituents (I've attended many meetings and that man is always available for a talk). However, he does make a point of carrying the term Deputy Mayor next to his name. He rarely (or ever) signs his community newsletters Councillor Joe Pantalone. It's always Deputy Mayor Joe Pantalone.

I think he has higher aspirations though he'd remain content to retire as councillor of Ward 19. If he runs, I'm sure he'll get Miller's endorsement.
