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The quicker Transit City comes to fruition, the better for Miller. Transit lines running up Jane, through Finch and across Sheppard West are much more appealing to suburbanites than waterfront development. Miller has the Old City of Toronto in the bag, but it will be Etobicoke, North York and Scarborough that could kill his chances at a third term.

What? Suburbanites hate light rail. I'm still not sure how the city plans to sell the 'burbs on the idea of giving up two lanes of traffic and a whole bunch of turning restrictions for something most of them will never use.
Grapevine says:

Rocco Rossi, the CEO of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario, will be running for mayor in 2011.

EDIT: Some info on Rossi courtesy of that source of all information, Google.

He's a Liberal "party stalwart" and part of Ignatieff's "inner circle". He's slated to be National Director of the federal Liberals.

He has a bio and inactive blog at the Huffington Post


That one has been doing the rounds for a while now. I will believe it when I see it. At this point, I am sceptical that he would run--and if he did, I doubt it would go anywhere.

To take on Miller at this point--who for all his flaws has presided over a lot of positive change, and aside from some rabid haters seems to be reasonably popular--you need someone with major public profile. Otherwise it's like sending Stephen LeDrew.

Rocco Rossi is charismatic and well-connected, but he just doesn't have name recognition. Remember that as a rule people pay very little attention to municipal politics, and among low-information voters the devil you know will usually win.

The only possible centrist challenger I think might have a chance would be someone on the order of George Smitherman, although if he were running I suspect we would know by now.

For better or worse, my bet is Miller will be mayor for a long time yet. He has a solid electoral formula of piling up votes in the inner city and in outer-ring ethnic communities that I doubt anyone else can match.

Of course, Bob Rae is my personal pipe dream.
Ok Ford is the polar opposite of Miller,I use a extreme case to get the left wingers here to respond..Minnan Wong is a VERY good choice,he's smart,sensible,business sense,excellent speaker.Miller fears him the most of all the opposing politicians.He knows his intelligence is par with his and hes not scare to confront anyone,he even confronted some of his right leaning politician for not having a team plan to fight the lefties at city hall..

Minnan-Wong is nothing but a small-thinking, conservative little man of forgettable significance. David Miller certainly doesn't fear Minnan-Wong, that's like a lion fearing a mouse. Minnan-Wong may be empowered by the people who oppose Miller to a small degree, but he is not mayoral material by any stretch of the imagination.
What? Suburbanites hate light rail. I'm still not sure how the city plans to sell the 'burbs on the idea of giving up two lanes of traffic and a whole bunch of turning restrictions for something most of them will never use.

I agree that light rail isn't as romantic as subways, but its certainly an acknowledgment of congestion up north, especially from a mayor who critics accuse of governing only below St. Clair. Plus, a commuter from Royal York & Eglinton or Markham & Sheppard will surely appreciate a modern, quicker commute than a stuffed air conditioned-less Orion bus.

If only Miller could focus some attention on the redevelopment of Downsview Park. He could sell that as the waterfront of the burbs - turning underused land into parkland, housing developments and retail.
Total agreement concerning Ford. As for Minan-Wong, he's not exactly a bright light, either. I'd vote against him. Regarding Stintz, I don't know; there's not too much striking about her in terms of her in the role of mayor.

Do you know how little effort the above named put into their $100,000 jobs? This Council is a farce and we're all just whistling as the city goers down the tubes for want of some hard-working Councillors. Sintz can't even manage her own Ward never mind a city. The taxpayers of Toronto paid for improvements to her public speaking abilities but what do they get for that? M-W doesn't pay much attention when he is at hios desk and Ford is never there. It's a terrible shame on us who tolerate this awful value for money.
I agree that light rail isn't as romantic as subways, but its certainly an acknowledgment of congestion up north, especially from a mayor who critics accuse of governing only below St. Clair. Plus, a commuter from Royal York & Eglinton or Markham & Sheppard will surely appreciate a modern, quicker commute than a stuffed air conditioned-less Orion bus.

Hmmmm, I agree with all of this, but there is the problem of selling this to the suburbanites. (Like someone else said) My parents live in Scarborough, and pretty much live in their cars. You should hear my dad complain about lost lanes of traffic!
Do you know how little effort the above named put into their $100,000 jobs? This Council is a farce and we're all just whistling as the city goers down the tubes for want of some hard-working Councillors. Sintz can't even manage her own Ward never mind a city. The taxpayers of Toronto paid for improvements to her public speaking abilities but what do they get for that? M-W doesn't pay much attention when he is at hios desk and Ford is never there. It's a terrible shame on us who tolerate this awful value for money.

That's why I said there was nothing striking about Stintz. Ford and Minan-Wong have long records acting like complete twits. Stintz doesn't have anything that quite compares (and that is not a compliment).
This is just a deplorable situation. How many of these Councillors are not working? I believe Shiner spent a goodly amount of time trying to be an MPP and if you have you ever seen Feldman "in action" you'd surely wonder why he, of all the people we are paying for at City Hall, needs to head off into the sun at all.

I have attended a number of Council, Community Council and Committee meetings over the past 15 years and the work ethic of some of these Councillors is atrocious. We're pissing away our tax money on some of these people. Are we getting closer to putting the spotlight on this?

Councillor's boycott halts progress on bar safety



January 10, 2009

The rare failure of a Toronto council committee to meet and do its work yesterday was tied, in part, to sour relations between some members of council and the mayor.

In a protest aimed at Mayor David Miller, Councillor David Shiner (Ward 24, Willowdale) boycotted the licensing and standards committee, whose six members, including Mr. Shiner, were approved by council last month.

With two others already out of town, the committee failed to muster four members required for quorum. As a result, committee business, which included calls for new measures to improve bar safety, was put off until next month.

Mr. Shiner, who says he has not decided whether he will continue his boycott, says his no-show is not sour grapes over being bounced from the board of Toronto Hydro.

"An important message has to be sent," said Mr. Shiner, a frequent critic of the mayor.

"Members of council who don't blindly support the mayor are not given opportunities to speak at committees very often and to participate in the important discussions," he said, citing fewer openings now to comment on the budget.

"In 17 years, I have not seen the division that is being created on council, with those that support the mayor being given their committee picks and rewarded with committee choices and those that don't ... support the mayor, they try and relegate off," he said.

Not so, says deputy mayor Joe Pantalone, chairman of the committee that hands out assignments.

"It's impossible to make everyone happy," said Mr. Pantalone (Ward 19, Trinity-Spadina), noting that some of the mayor's most vocal critics received their top picks.

Councillor and former deputy mayor Michael Feldman (Ward 10, York Centre), another absentee from licensing and standards, grudgingly plans to attend despite having no wish to serve on a committee often caught up in bitter disputes over taxi issues.

Mr. Feldman, dropped from his preferred committee of economic development, is in Palm Springs, Calif., for a film festival (and says he has lured a small movie shoot to Toronto).

"I can understand the frustration of people over not getting where they should be because of their strengths," said Mr. Feldman, who wriggled out of serving on the community development and recreation committee by swapping with Councillor Paul Ainslie (Ward 41, Scarborough East), who was initially put on licensing and standards.
Does anyone else see that the same councillors (with a few exceptions) keep getting reelected? Also notice that the same Toronto MP's and MPP's also win repeatedly. WHAT IS WRONG WITH US! I live in Joe Volpe's federal riding, the man is sleazy and corrupt, yet continues to win!
If you've had a career, or worked hard at any endeavor, you can spot who's working and who is not. That's my beef. There is not a strong enough work ethic among a whole lot of the current Councillors. What kind of example is that? City Hall needs leaders at all levels but if the guys at the top are goofing-off who's really all that worried about losing their job. In the area of planning and development I've seen so much waste but when Councillors use planning staff as political tools too many turn a blind eye.
Does anyone else see that the same councillors (with a few exceptions) keep getting reelected? Also notice that the same Toronto MP's and MPP's also win repeatedly. WHAT IS WRONG WITH US! I live in Joe Volpe's federal riding, the man is sleazy and corrupt, yet continues to win!


there are a ton of conservatives/reforms out West and a ton of Bloc member in Quebec who have been around for ages and keep getting reelected.
Talk about false outrage...
It's a farce.

How would you rate the performance of the three entities, the Conservatives/Reform in the West, the BQ in Quebec and the Toronto City Council? Which constituencies are getting the greatest value for money? I'd say Toronto citizens are getting the worst deal of the three. It's a farce.
I nominate Moses Znaimer for next Mayor.

He is an Icon of Toronto culture. He is a hugely successful businessman. He built a media powerhouse that changed TV broadcast in Canada. He is a champion of multiculturalism and diversity.

A bit of Bio from the web.

He was educated in Montreal, attending McGill University, earning a BA in philosophy and politics (and serving as president of the McGill Debating Union), and later attended Harvard University, earning his MA in government in the mid-1960s.

Znaimer’s multiple honours include The Urban Alliance on Race Relations Diversity Award, The Human Rights Centre Gold Medal and the Canadian Council of Christians and Jews Human Relations Award; the Queen Elizabeth Golden Jubilee Medal; the Republic of France’s Chevalier de L’ordre des Arts et des Lettres; and the Jane Jacobs Lifetime Achievement Award for his visionary and impactful contribution to the public realm.

He has the public profile, a liberal attitude with the business acumen. He has proven himself as a man of vision and action.

My number one choice.

Last edited:
News regarding potential mayoral candidate Karen Stintz.

Anyone else suspect that if this were say Councillor Giambrone or Mihevic they would have been tarred and feathered with the ol "pinko commie, chairman Miller supporting lefty taxdollar wasting latte sipping grad degree socialist seal" label?

City paid $4,500 to fix politician's 'shrill' voice

Karen Stintz defends public speaking lessons, saying they made her more confident

March 24, 2009
Donovan Vincent
Louise Brown

Criticized for talking too fast and sounding "shrill" during city hall meetings, Councillor Karen Stintz decided she needed to do something about it.

So she spent $4,500 (U.S.) for public-speaking lessons last year. Then she got taxpayers to cover the costs.

The vocal opponent of Toronto Mayor David Miller used the services of Lynda Spillane, an author and vocal coach who has advised other female politicians.

Expenses from other councillors last year included about $3,875 in French lessons for Adam Giambrone and $750 to rent the services of "Silver Elvis," a spray-painted human statue, brought in for a picnic thrown by Glenn De Baeremaeker.

In an interview yesterday, Stintz (Ward 16, Eglinton-Lawrence) said her vocal coaching provided "an opportunity to see how I appeared to other people and gave me an opportunity to work on my presentation skills."

"Knowing you speak a certain way and trying to correct it on your own is not always successful," she said later, adding Spillane gave her tips and a plan for improving her speaking ability and communication skills: "Tips for speaking slower. Where to pause, how to speak, how to communicate, how to get your message out, how to lower your voice, how to be most effective."

Residents had told Stintz her message was often getting lost because she spoke too quickly, and "my voice at council could be shrill."

Stintz provided Spillane with videotapes of her council speeches.

The lessons, provided last June and October, were conducted in Toronto, Stintz said, adding Spillane was paid in U.S. funds because she is based in the United States. The expense worked out to nearly the same figure in Canadian dollars.

Spillane was scheduled to be in Toronto at the time, and so she met with Stintz.

Spillane did not return messages yesterday.

The expense showed up recently on the city's website, which since late last year has been posting councillors' spending from the $53,100 they are allotted annually as their office budgets.

Stintz said she researched competitive rates for coaching and got approval from the city clerk, who must approve all expenses.

Stintz says the coaching has made her a more effective public speaker and helped her feel more confident.

After addressing the Ontario Convenience Stores Association conference recently, "the feedback from them was my public speaking has improved significantly," Stintz said.

Many people are willing to pay big bucks for help in public speaking — it's long been ranked the "No. 1 fear, even above death," veteran speech coach Arlene Cohen said yesterday.

"Talking fast and sounding shrill are both symptoms of physical tension – and tension is the enemy of all great performance, especially for politicians, who already face a credibility challenge," said Cohen, who charges about $140 an hour to help clients learn to relax at a podium, usually over 12 hours.

From teaching vocal warm-ups to helping customers breathe from their diaphragm and lower their brainwaves from "beta to alpha state," Cohen says the point is to become relaxed in the spotlight "because that conveys leadership – just look at Barack Obama.

"That sense of calm he conveys when he speaks makes you believe he'll do what he says."

Public speaking coach Jay Miller said he typically charges $10,000 to $20,000 for six months of weekly sessions that include tips on how to avoid sounding shrill.

"When people get passionate about something, they often start lifting themselves up physically, and their breath comes up and their voice comes up and they can sound shrill," Miller said. "But good communication comes from our body, and it's certainly reasonable to invest in these kinds of skills."

Touted by some as a possible challenger to David Miller in next year's municipal election, Stintz plays a key role in the opposition group on council, which hammers away regardless of being outnumbered by the mayor's supporters.

She is positioning herself as someone who would exert tighter control over city hall spending, and has criticized Miller for increasing taxes every year since taking office.

But Stintz insists the vocal training is not related to plans she may or may not have for a mayoral bid.

With files from Paul Moloney
